一、与其一直留恋错过的东西,不如学着去欣赏眼前的人和事。 it's better to learn to appreciate the people and things in front of you than to miss things all the time. 二、小时侯觉得一天好长,一学期好长,盼着时间快点过,长大后觉得,一年好短,一辈子好短,抬眼已是半生。 When I was a child, I felt that a day was long and a semester was long. I looked forward to the time passing quickly. When I grew up, I felt that a year was short and a life was short.
The meaning of hard work is that when all the good things come to me,
I can embrace them with open arms and feel that I deserve it.
四、生活最好的治愈系是工作,一旦忙碌起来,什么坏情绪都会被抛之脑后,疲惫到没精力矫情。 the best cure for life is work, once busy, any bad mood will be left behind, tired to have no energy.
五、所有平淡的日子,在日晒雨淋当中的辛苦,在风吹雨打当中的奔波,终会在岁月的下一刻,绽放出夺目的光彩。 all dull days, in the sun and rain of the hard, in the wind and rain among the rush, will eventually in the years of the next moment, bloom a dazzling brilliance. 六、不说人短,不思人过,不念人恶,不扬人错,能过就是生活,能走就是道路。莫嫌路颠簸,世界本曲折。 not short, do not think of people, do not think of people evil, do not Yang people wrong, can live is the life, can walk is the road. Don't think the road is bumpy, the world is tortuous.
七、我始终相信,走过平湖烟雨岁月山河,那些历尽劫数尝遍人间百味的人,会更加生动而干净。 I always believe that through the Years of Pinghu mountains and rivers, those who have experienced all kinds of taste of the world, will be more vivid and clean. 八、你早晚都要明白:答非所问就是回答、沉默不语就是拒绝、闪烁不定就是谎言、敬而远之就是不喜、仅此而已,毋庸置疑。 you have to understand sooner or later: irrelevant answer is to answer, silence is to refuse, flickering uncertainty is a lie, give a respectful distance is not happy, that's all, beyond doubt.
九、做不到的就不要轻易说出口了,比悲伤更令人悲伤的是空欢喜。 If you can't do it, don't say it easily. What is more sad than sadness is empty joy. 十、没必要去你不想去的聚会,没必要讨好所有观众,没必要让自己显得很合群,你的时间应该留在让自己更好上,毕竟世界上大多数人只看得见你的优秀。 There is no need to go to the party you don't want to go, there is no need to please all the audience, there is no need to make yourself seem to fit in, your time should be spent on making yourself better, after all, most people in the world only see your excellence.
十一、每次崩溃的理由别人看来是小题大做,只有自己心里清楚这根稻草到底压垮了多少千斤重的难过。 Each collapse of the reason others seem to be a storm in a teacup, only their hearts know how much this straw crushed the weight of the sad. 十二、世界的模样,取决于你凝视它的目光,自己的价值取决于你的追求与心态。一切美好的愿望,不是在等待中拥有,而是在奋斗中争取! The shape of the world, depends on the eyes you gaze at it, your value depends on your pursuit and mentality. All good wishes, not in waiting to have, but in the struggle for!
十三、没有必要让别人改变,把爱留给对的人,减少无聊社交,多运动,多睡觉,人生无限美好。 there is no need to let others change, leave love to the right person, less boring social, more exercise, more sleep, life is infinitely beautiful. 十四、你这一生一世,可别去求人家什么。人家心中想给你,你不用求,人家自然会给你;人家不肯的,你便苦苦哀求也是无用,反而惹得人家讨厌。——金庸 In your whole life, don't ask others for anything. If someone wants to give it to you, don't ask, they will give it to you; If they refuse, it is useless to plead with them; they hate you. - jin yong
十五、悲观的人虽生犹死,乐观的人永生不老。 A pessimist has ceased to live, but an optimist never dies. 十六、真正幸福的人生,就是找一个人一起奋斗,一起相爱,即便对方不是很有钱,即便你无法享受到悠闲自在的生活,但这才是你应该去经历的真真实实,踏踏实实的人生。 the real happiness of life, is to find a person to struggle together, love each other, even if the other is not very rich, even if you can not enjoy the life of leisure, but this is you should go to experience the real, down-to-earth life. |
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