一、要么敢爱敢恨快意人生,要么没心没肺扮傻到底,别让自己活成了那种懂得很多道理却也过不好这一生的人。 Either dare to love and hate happy life, or play dumb in the end, don't let yourself live like a person who knows a lot of truth but can't live a good life. 二、我们总是在冬天里想着暖风和煦,在烈日下怀念皑皑白雪,总是在争取得不到的东西时,又把得到的东西丢到一边。 We always think in the winter warm wind and warm, miss the white snow under the scorching sun, always in the fight for things can not get, and put the things to one side.
三、人没钱不如鬼,汤没盐不如水,你会慢慢发现,一颗好心,永远比不上一张好嘴。 A man without money is worse than a ghost, soup without salt is not like water, you will slowly find that a kind heart is never better than a good mouth. 四、我不好,但只有一个。珍惜也好,不珍惜也罢。如果哪天你把我弄丢了,我不再让你找到我。友情也好,爱情也罢。我若离去,后会无期。 I'm not good, but only one. Cherish it or not. If one day you lose me, I won't let you find me again. Friendship or love. If I leave, never to meet again.
五、不要期望别人为自己雪中送炭,没有人在你脸上抹炭就该感恩了。 Don't expect someone to give you a helping hand. Be thankful you don't have someone to rub coals in your face. 六、有些事就是不值得被原谅,跟大不大度没有关系,各有各的底线,做错了就应该考虑为自己的错误付出代价。 Some things just don't deserve to be forgiven, and it has nothing to do with magnanimity. Each has its own bottom line. If you make a mistake, you should consider paying for your mistake.
七、一辈子的时间很短,愿你不卑微,不讨好,不委屈,不将就。 The time of life is very short, may you not humble, do not please, do not injustice, do not compromise. 八、我需要的也只不过是一个,护我周全,免我惊慌,舍不得我受半点委屈难过,无论如何都不会放弃我的人。 What I need is someone who will protect me, who won't panic, who won't let me get hurt, who won't give me up no matter what.
九、慢慢觉得所有回不去的日子都有它的道理,而所有回不来的人,也自有他的原因。 Slowly feel that all can not go back to the day has its reason, and all can not go back to the people, also has its own reasons. 十、没有人是为了爱你而来到这个世界的,别人永远不是自己生活的中心,充实自己的生活,成为更好的人,才能遇见更好的人。 No one was born to love you. Others are never the center of your life. Only by living your life to the fullest can you become a better person and meet better people.
十一、这世界哪怕再叫人失望,也有一种叫美好的东西在暗地里生长。 In this world, however disappointing, there is something beautiful growing in the dark. 十二、哪有什么错过的人,会离开的都是路人。愿你脚踏实地,也愿你仰望星空,往事不回头,未来不将就。 What have missed the people, will leave are passers-by. May your feet on the ground, may you look up at the stars, the past does not look back, the future will not settle.
十三、成熟的人需要面具。戴上,坚强面对世界;摘下,温柔面对家人。 Mature people need masks. Wear, strong to face the world; Take off, gentle face family. 十四、时间不仅让你看透别人,也让你认清自己。很多时候,就是在跌跌拌拌中,我们学会了生活。 Time not only makes you see through other people, it also makes you see yourself. Most of the time, we learn to live through the ups and downs.
十五、做一个简单的人,平和而执着,谦虚而无畏。 Be a simple person, gentle and persistent, modest and fearless. 十六、每次想找个人陪的时候,就发现有的人不能找,有的人不该找,还有的人找不到,才明白,陪你最多的人还是你自己。 Every time you want to find someone to accompany, you will find that some people can not find, some people should not find, and some people can not find, just understand, accompany you most of the people or your own. |
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