一、天冷了,要照顾好自己,衣服要厚厚的,看起来要胖胖的,让别人冷冷的。 the weather is cold, to take good care of yourself, thick clothes, look fat, let others cold. 二、要长大,要可爱,要努力,要变有钱。但不要变成各种奇奇怪怪的不可爱的人。 to grow up, to lovely, to work hard, to become rich. But don't become all kinds of weird, unlovable people.
三、人生这么辽阔,别光为情所困,用力活一活。 life is so vast, don't be trapped by the light of love, try to live. 四、有空多爱自己,不要指望别人,别人很忙。难熬的日子总会过去,不信你回头看,你已经在不知不觉中熬过了很多苦。 have time to love yourself, don't count on others, others are busy. The tough days will always be over, don't believe you look back, you have been unconsciously through a lot of hardships.
五、你今天的苦果,是昨天的伏笔,你当下的付出,是明日的花开。 Your bitter fruit today is yesterday's foreshadow, your present pay, is tomorrow's flower. 六、成熟最大的好处是:以前得不到的,现在不想要了。当看破一切的时候才明白,原来失去比拥有更踏实。 mature the biggest advantage is: can't get before, now don't want. When you see through everything to understand that the original loss is more practical than having.
七、见过的人越多,越知道自己真正想待在什么人身边。去过的地方越多,越知道自己想回什么地方去。 The more people you meet, the more you know who you really want to be around. The more places you've been, the more you know where you want to go back to. 八、今天再大的事,到了明天就是小事;今年再大的事,到了明年就是故事。凡事开心点、反正最后谁也不能活着离开这个世界! today again big matter, to tomorrow is a small matter; This year again big thing, to next year is the story. Everything happy point, anyway finally who also can't leave this world alive!
九、等不起的人就不要等了,你的痴情感动不了一个不爱你的人。伤害你的不是对方的绝情,而是你心存幻想的坚持。 Don't wait for the people who can't afford to wait, your spoony won't move a person who doesn't love you. What hurts you is not the other party's unfeeling, but the persistence of your illusions. 十、小时候,我以为生活就是:事事如意,年年有余。长大后,我发现生活就是:事事如意料之外,年年有余额不足。 when I was a child, I thought life was: everything is good, year after year. As I grew older, I realized that life was all about not having enough money every year when nothing was expected.
十一、如果找不到坚持下去的理由,那就找一个重新开始的理由,生活本来就这么简单。只需要一点点勇气,你就可以把你的生活转个身,重新开始。生命太短,没有时间留给遗憾,若不是终点,请微笑一直向前。 If you can't find a reason to stick to it, then find a reason to start over, life is so simple. With a little courage, you can turn your life around and start all over again. Life is too short for regrets. If it is not the end, smile and move on. 十二、人真的不必逼自己去做不像自己的那种人,强大固然是好,但脆弱和柔软也没有什么过错。一个人不用活得像一支队伍,一个人只要活得像一个人就行了,有尊严,有追求,有梦想,也有软弱和颓废的时候。—— 独木舟 People really don't have to force themselves to do not like their own kind of people, strong is good, but weak and soft is no fault. A person does not have to live like a team, as long as a person to live like a person on the line, dignity, pursuit, have a dream, there are weak and decadent time. - the canoe
十三、哪有人会是一张白纸啊,大家都是带着爱与恨、往事与阴影活着。有的人藏得深有的人藏不住而已。 which people will be a piece of white paper ah, we are with love and hate, the past and the shadow of life. Some are deep and some are not. 十四、我们能走多久,靠的不是双脚,而是志向,;我们能登多高,靠的不是身躯,而是意志,;我们能做什么,靠的不是双手,而是智慧,;我们能看多远,靠的不是双眼,而是胸怀,你装得下世界,世界才会容你。 How long can we walk, not by our feet, but by our ambition; How high we reach, not by our bodies, but by our will; What we can do, not with our hands, but with our wisdom; We can see how far, not by the eyes, but the mind, you can pack the world, the world will let you. |
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