一、世上唯一不能复制的是时间,唯一不能重演的是人生。该怎么走,过什么样的生活,全凭自己的选择和努力。 The only thing in the world that cannot be replicated is time. The only thing that cannot be repeated is life. How to go, what kind of life, all by their own choice and efforts. 二、当生活拿锤子抡向你的时候,只要捶不死你,你就有机会抡回去。 When life hits you with its hammer, as long as it doesn't hit you, you have a chance to hit you back.
三、赚钱的时候不矫情,花钱的时候不磨叽,生活真的不会因为你哭泣而对你温柔,但你可以通过努力而活的风情万种。 No melodramatic when you make money, no grinding when you spend money, life is really not because you cry and gentle to you, but you can through efforts to live a variety of amorous feelings. 四、一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。 Everyone has at least one dream and one reason to be strong. If the heart has no place to rest, everywhere is wandering.
Some things are not hard to be able to, the RMB of 50 pieces designs again good-looking, also have no 100 pieces to attract a person to like. 六、你想要的东西很贵,你想去的地方都很远,只有不停的努力,才能攒好足够的勇气,跨过人生中的每一场冒险。 The things you want are expensive, and the places you want to go are far away. Only by continuous efforts can you accumulate enough courage to cross every adventure in your life.
七、能自己扛就别声张,你矫情幽怨的样子并不漂亮,做个勇敢的人,学着去承受命运给你的每一个耳光。 If you can carry it yourself, don't say so. You don't look pretty. Be a brave man and learn to bear every slap in the face from fate. 八、生活就是不断寻找自我的过程,我们努力地向上,不仅是让世界看到我们,更是为了让自己看到。 Life is a process of constantly searching for ourselves. We strive to make progress, not only for the world to see us, but also for ourselves to see us.
九、现在不玩命,将来命玩你,现在不努力,未来不给力。 Do not play life now, life will play you in the future, do not work hard now, the future does not give strength. 十、生活中,在每个人的心里其实都有一盏灯,不论遇到怎样的挫折和黑暗,重要的是,信念不可以被磨灭。 In life, in everyone's heart there is actually a lamp, no matter what kind of setbacks and darkness, it is important that faith can not be erased.
十一、把委屈和泪水都咽下去,输不起就不要输,死不了就站起来,告诉所有看不起你的人:我很好! The injustice and tears are swallowed, can not afford to lose don't lose, can not die on the stand up, tell all look down on you: I am very good! 十二、认定了的路,再痛也不要皱一下眉头,你要知道,再怎么难走都是你自己选的,你没有资格喊疼。 Identified the road, no matter how painful also don't frown, you want to know, no matter how hard to walk are your own choice, you are not qualified to cry pain.
十三、当你被压力压得透不过气来的时候,记住,碳正是因为压力而变成闪耀的钻石。 When you are suffocated by the pressure, remember that it is the pressure that turns carbon into a shining diamond. 十四、在最难熬最平凡的日子里,默默努力。总有一天,你会站在最闪亮的地方,活成自己曾经渴望的模样。 In the most difficult and ordinary days, silently efforts. One day, you'll be standing in the brightest spot, living the life you've ever wanted.
十五、别遇到一点鸡毛蒜皮的事情就一蹶不振,年纪轻轻,怕什么困难无穷。 Don't meet a little trifling things after a fall, young, afraid of what difficulties are infinite. 十六、你不努力,永远不会有人对你公平。只有你努力了,有了资源,有了话语权以后,你才可能为自己争取公平的机会。 If you don't work hard, you'll never be treated fairly. Only after you work hard, have the resources, have the right to speak, you can strive for a fair chance for yourself. |
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