一、头等舱可以优先登机,银行VIP可以不用排队,演唱会最贵的票位置也最好,世界从不平等,你有多努力、就有多特殊。 The first class can be boarded first, the bank VIP can not have to wait in line, the most expensive concert ticket seats are also the best, the world is not equal, how hard you are, how special. 二、没有人可以打倒你,除非你自己先趴下! No one can knock you down unless you get down first!
三、所有的努力,不是为了让别人觉得你了不起,而是为了能让自己打心眼里看得起自己。 All efforts are not to make others think highly of you, but to make yourself think highly of yourself. 四、可以孤单,但不许孤独。可以寂寞,但不许空虚。可以消沉,但不许堕落。可以失望,但不许放弃。加油,相信自己可以做的更好! You may be alone, but you must not be alone. Can be lonely, but not empty. We may sink, but we must not fall. You can be disappointed, but don't give up. Come on, I believe I can do better!
五、你日渐平庸,甘于平庸,将继续平庸。 You become mediocre, willing to be mediocre, will continue to be mediocre. 六、只有不回避痛苦和迷茫的人,才有资格去谈乐观与坚定。命运不会厚待谁,悲喜也不会单为你准备。 Only those who do not avoid pain and confusion are qualified to talk about optimism and determination. Destiny does not favor anyone, nor does happiness or sorrow prepare for you alone.
七、你所做的一切努力并不会给你带来什么好运,但可以让你逐渐成为你想成为的那一种人。 All the hard work you do won't bring you luck, but it will help you become the kind of person you want to be. 八、等你到了一个阶段,有自己的事情做,有自己向往的地方,不依附任何人成全生命的意义,你谁都可以失去。 When you reach a stage where you have your own things to do and a place to look forward to, you can lose them if you don't depend on anyone to fulfill the meaning of life.
九、所有的惊艳,都来自长久的努力。所有的幸运,都源自不懈的坚持。 All the amazing, are from the long - term efforts. All luck, all from the unremitting persistence. 十、宁愿跑起来被拌倒无数次,也不愿规规矩矩走一辈子,就算跌倒也要豪迈的笑。 Would rather run to be mixed down countless times, also do not want to behave a lifetime, even if the fall also want to heroic smile.
十一、生命中总有那么一段时光,充满不安,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。 There is a time in life that is full of uneasiness, but we have no choice but to face it bravely. 十二、不炫耀,因为不自卑。不花心,因为懂得爱。——真相就是这样:自卑才炫耀,缺爱才花心。招摇,除了证明内心虚弱,说明不了任何东西! Don't show off, because you don't feel inferior. Do not spend, because know love. The truth is this: self-abased to show off, lack of love to flower. Ostentation proves nothing but inner weakness.
十三、世界上最好的保险就是不断进步,让自己成为一个更好的和更值得爱的人。 The best insurance in the world is to keep making progress to become a better and more worthy person to love. 十四、别自制压力,我们没有必要跟着时间走,只需跟着心态和能力走,随缘,尽力,达命,问心无愧,其他的,交给天。 Don't control the pressure, we don't have to follow the time, just follow the mentality and ability to go, follow the fate, try our best, life, have a clear conscience, the rest, to the day.
十五、如果没能力把眼前的苟且过好,就暂时不要去想诗和远方。 If you don't have the ability to live in the present, don't think about poetry and distance for the time being. 十六、不奋斗,你的才华如何配上你的任性;不奋斗,你的脚步如何赶上父母老去的速度;不奋斗,世界那么大,你靠什么去看看…… Do not struggle, how your talent with your wayward; If you don't struggle, how can you keep up with your parents' aging speed? Don't struggle, the world is so big, how can you rely on to see… |
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