天下为公的近义词成语 【天下一家】 【大公无私】 【公而忘私】 天下为公的反义词四字词语 〖利欲熏心〗 〖自私自利〗 〖天下为家〗 天下为公的近义词成语带有解释 大公无私 [dàgōngwúsī] 1.完全为人民群众利益着想,毫无自私自利之心。 天下一家 [tiānxiàyījiā] 视天下人为一家,和睦相处。也指全国统一。 公而忘私 [gōngérwàngsī] 为了公事而不考虑私事,为了集体利益而不考虑个人得失。 天下为公的反义词四字词语带有解释 自私自利 [zìsīzìlì] 只为自己打算,为自己谋利益,不顾别人和集体。 天下为家 [tiānxiàwéijiā] 原指将君位传给儿子,把国家当作一家所私有,后泛指处处可以成家,不固定居住在一个地方。 利欲熏心 [lìyùxūnxīn] 贪财图利的欲望迷住了心窍。宋黄庭坚《赠别李次翁》诗:“利欲熏心,随人翕(xī)张。” 关于天下为公的详细解释 tiān xià wéi gōng 【成语的意思和解释】--天下是大家公有的。原指不把君位当成一家的私有。后指国家的一切都属于人民。 【成语来源出自哪里】--西汉 戴圣《礼记 礼运》:“大道之行也,天下为公,选贤与能,讲信修睦。” 【成语繁体字写法】--天下為公 【成语拼音简写】--txwg 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--主谓式;作谓语、定语;用于人 【成语形式结构】--主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用天下为公写一句话 (1)、爷再问你,大道之行也,天下为公,人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤独废疾者皆有所养,是为大同,对么? (1) I'll ask you again, when you travel along the road, the world is for the public. People are not only related to their relatives, but also to their children. They make the old have a life, the strong have their own advantages, the young have their own advantages, the lonely and the sick have their own support, which is for the great harmony, right (2)、他们提出仁爱和天下为公的思想. (2) they put forward the idea of benevolence and the world for the public (3)、大道之行也,天下为公。 (3) a trip to the main road is for the public. (4)、从孔子时代到今天两千五百年间,向来没有出现过大同世界。但是“天下为公、世界大同”这个理想崇高而远大,华夏子孙,代代相传,高山仰止,景行行之。周有光 (4) from the time of Confucius to today, there has never been a world of great harmony. However, the ideal of "the world is for the public and the world is great harmony" is lofty and far-reaching. Chinese descendants have passed it down from generation to generation. They have been traveling in the mountains. Zhou Youguang (5)、祠内设龛橱,橱内悬挂李炳辉烈士遗像,两侧对联是“身殁名留蜚声千古,功成志遂含笑九原”,横额书“天下为公”。 (5) there is a niche cabinet in the temple, in which the portrait of martyr Li Binghui is hung. The couplets on both sides are "the death of a man who has been famous for thousands of years, and the success of a man who has made a great contribution to his life is nine yuan with a smile", and the banner reads "the world is for the public". ![]() |