所剩无几的近义词成语 【寥寥无几】 【凤毛麟角】 所剩无几的反义词四字词语 〖多多有余〗 所剩无几的近义词成语带有解释 凤毛麟角 [fèngmáolínjiǎo] 《南史·谢超宗传》:“超宗殊有凤毛。”《北史·文苑传序》:“学者如牛毛,成者如麟角。”后比喻极其难得而宝贵的东西。也比喻罕见的人才。 寥寥无几 [liáoliáowújǐ] 寥寥:形容数量少。非常稀少,没有几个。 所剩无几的反义词四字词语带有解释 【所剩无几】 关于所剩无几的详细解释 suǒ shèng wú jǐ 【成语的意思和解释】--剩:余留下来的。剩下的没有多少了。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清 李汝珍《镜花缘》第九十回:“好在所剩无几,待我念完,诸位才女再去慢慢参详,或者得其梗概,也未可知。” 【成语繁体字写法】--所剩無几 【成语拼音简写】--ssmj 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、定语;用于口语 【成语形式结构】--主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用所剩无几写一句话 (1)、孟崀和柒踯躅在南门直通北门的主大街上,实在没有一个确切的去处,身上的银子也所剩无几,仅够再大吃一顿。 (1) MEng Lang and Qi you are on the main street from the south gate to the north gate. They really don't have a definite place to go, and they have little money left. They can only eat a big meal. (2)、目前,唱片行所售卖的凤飞飞精选辑已经被抢购得所剩无几。 (2) at present, fengfeifei's selected albums sold by record companies have been snapped up. (3)、前天你送来的月饼,现在已所剩无几了。 (3) there are few moon cakes left from the day before yesterday. (4)、江南水乡的特色风景基本已所剩无几,古街、古建筑、特色小吃、民族手工等却是保存的比较完好,故每逢国定假日、双休日期间,游人还是非常之多。 (4) there are few scenic spots in Jiangnan, but the ancient streets, buildings, snacks and handicrafts are well preserved, so there are still a lot of tourists during national holidays and weekends. (5)、骑士们被Decade杀的所剩无几,而修卡此时也乘虚而入。 (5) there is little left for the knights to be killed by decade, and seuka also takes advantage of this time. ![]() |