一、人是无法做到换位思考的,因为思想、经历、感官、全都不一样,就像我说大海很漂亮,你却说淹死过很多人。 You can't put yourself in other people's shoes, because your thoughts, your experiences, your senses, they're all different. It's like I said the sea was beautiful, and you said you drowned a lot of people. 二、越长大越懂得:逢人只说三分话,不可全抛一片心。喜怒不形于色,有自己的底线,万事藏于心不表于情。 The more grown up more understand: everyone only say three words, not all throw a heart. Don't show your face in color, have their own bottom line, everything hidden in the heart not in the table. 三、想见你的人,跋山涉水也总会来到你身边,不想见你的人,你走到他楼下他也懒得推开窗,真爱你的人,不怕麻烦也不忙。 Those who want to see you will always come to you from afar. Those who don't want to see you will be too lazy to open the window when you go downstairs. Those who really love you are not afraid of trouble.
四、人在的时候,以为来日方长什么都有机会,其实人生是减法,见一面,少一面。 When people in, think that the future what all have the opportunity, in fact, life is subtraction, see one side, less one side. 五、告别一定要用力一点,因为任何多看一眼,都有可能成为最后一眼,多说一句,都可能是最后一句。 Farewell must be a little bit harder, because any more look, are likely to become the last look, say more, are likely to be the last sentence. 六、我们最终都要远行,最终都要跟稚嫩的自己告别。也许路途有点艰辛,有点孤独,但熬过了痛苦,我们才能得以成长。 We finally have to travel, and finally to say goodbye to the immature themselves. Maybe the road is a little hard, a little lonely, but through the pain, we can grow.
七、人这一辈子,遇见对你好的人比较容易,可遇见始终待你如初的人很难。 This life, it is easy to meet people who are good to you, but it is difficult to meet people who always treat you the same. 八、这是你生命中最好的年纪,身体健康,亲人安在,现世安稳。可惜你意识不到,因为一点小事,心情就一团糟。 This is the best age of your life, in good health, with loved ones safe and sound. Unfortunately, you don't realize that because of the little things, the mood can be a mess. 九、很多事没有来日方长,很多人只会乍然离场,很多话未出口先成伤。 A lot of things do not take a long time, a lot of people will just leave, a lot of words before the first injury.
十、你要储存你的可爱,眷顾你的善良,变得勇敢,当这个世界越来越坏时,只希望你越来越好。 You must store up your loveliness, care for your goodness, be brave, and as the world goes from bad to worse, only hope that you get better. 十一、吃什么都觉得好吃,是因为你没吃过真正好吃的。渣男对你这么渣你还离不开他,是因为你没遇见过真爱的。 Everything tastes good because you've never had anything really good. Cheating and playing with the female feelings of the man so you can't leave him, because you have never met true love. 十二、我们都是一群多么可怜的人,喜欢的人得不到,得到的不珍惜,在一起的怀疑,失去的怀念,怀念的想相见,相见的恨晚,终其一生,都满是遗憾。 We are a group of how poor people, like the people do not get, get not cherish, together with the doubt, miss, miss want to meet, meet hate night, the whole life, are full of regret.
十三、有些风景,只能够喜欢,却不能收藏;有些人,只适合遇见,却不适合久伴。 Some scenery, can only like, but can not collect; Some people, only suitable to meet, but not suitable for a long time. 十四、一个人最可悲的就是为了别人的看法一味地改变自己,到了最后,做不成别人,也找不回自己。 The saddest thing about a person is that he has to change his mind for the sake of others. In the end, he cannot be someone else and cannot find himself. 十五、现在的沉稳和淡定大多都是曾经的傻和天真换来的,以前的傻和天真大多都是后来的沉稳和淡定准备的。 Now the calm and calm are mostly once the exchange of the silly and naive, most of the previous stupid and naive are later calm and calm preparation.
十六、其实孩子气,也没什么不好。人总有一天会长大,何必成熟太早,失去太早。 There's nothing wrong with being childish. People will grow up one day, why mature too early, too early to lose. 十七、很多事情,往往不是因为难,让我们不敢去做,而是因为我们不敢做才显得很难。 A lot of things, often not because it is difficult, let us not to do, but because we do not dare to do it is difficult. 十八、人不就是这样吗,安慰别人的时候头头是道,自己遇上点过不去的坎立马无法自拔。道理都懂,只是情绪在作祟,故事太撩人。 People are not like this, comfort others when the head is right, he met a point can not get over the immediately unable to extricate themselves. The reason is understood, just the mood is in, the story is too provocative.
十九、别等当岁月磨平了棱角,年华腐蚀了心气,才开始在渐行渐远的时候,怀念最初的自己。 Don't wait for when the years smooth edges and corners, time erosion of the heart, just began to go gradually away from the time, miss their original. 二十、愿你日子清净,抬眼遇见温柔。愿你不辜负时光,内心总有力量。愿你前路光明,万事可期。 May your days be clean, lift your eyes to meet the gentle. May you live up to the time, there is always strength in the heart. May your path be bright and everything be ready. 二十一、时光永远不会倒流,更不会为谁停留,踏踏实实的走好每一步,即使错了,大不了从头来过,但是一定不要在最好的年华里,辜负最好的自己! Time will never go back, more not for who to stay, steadfast good every step, even if wrong, the big deal from the beginning, but must not be in the best years, live up to the best of their own!
二十二、虽然岁月磨平了我们的棱角,但内心住着的那个小孩还是不想长大。 Although the years have smoothed our edges, the child inside still doesn't want to grow up. 二十三、即便你未曾被人捧在手心,这也没什么了不起的,你要对自己说:你要好好爱自己。 Even if you're not being held in the palm of your hand, it's not a big deal. Just say to yourself, "love yourself." 二十四、做人就要像花一样,不管有没有人欣赏,但是你一定要绽放,你不是为别人而绽放,而是为自己绽放,不做别人的赏物,只做最炫丽的自己。 To be a person is like a flower, no matter whether there is no one to appreciate, but you must bloom, you are not for others and bloom, but for their own bloom, do not do other people's reward, only do the most dazzling beautiful yourself. |
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