一、希望你所有的坚持都是因为热爱,而不是因为不甘心…… I hope all your persistence is because of love, not because of unwilling...... 二、你不愿意种花,你说,我不愿看见它,一点点凋落,是的,为了避免结束,你避免了一切开始。——顾城 You don't want to plant flowers, you say, I don't want to see it, a little bit of decline, yes, in order to avoid the end, you avoid all the beginning. - "from cheng gu 三、没有谁离不开谁,离不开的只有影子。没有谁放不下谁,放不下的只是心结。 No one can't leave another, can't leave only the shadow. No who can not put down who, can not put down just the knot.
四、除了你的心跳,谁会明白你的故事里装了多少欢乐,又有多少悲伤?好过,难过,全是自己过。 Who knows how much joy and sorrow there is in your story, except your heart beat? Good, sad, all is their own. 五、你之所以感到孤独,并不是没有人关心你,而是你在乎的那个人没有关心你。 The reason why you feel lonely is not that no one CARES about you, but that the one you care about doesn't care about you. 六、现在让你难过的事情,许久回过头来看都会觉得那不算事,你之所以会把痛苦看得那么重,是因为你经历得不够多。 The things that make you sad now, for a long time, will look back and think that's not a thing. The reason you take the pain so seriously is because you haven't experienced it enough.
七、你是否也这样:心疼你的过去,厌倦你的现在,担心你的未来。 Do you also: love your past, tired of your present, worry about your future. 八、希望我喜欢的人也喜欢我,我不想理的人也不理我,满世界清净,皆大欢喜。 Hope I like the people also like me, I don't want to talk to the people also ignore me, the world is clean, everyone is happy. 九、像我这种吃软不吃硬的人天生就是需要人宠着,如果你吼我,我也会吼回去,但是如果你对我服软,我就会变得很乖。 People like me are born to be spoiled, if you yell at me, I will yell back, but if you give in to me, I will become very good.
十、忽冷忽热最折磨人,反反复复最伤人。过度的热情会把被爱的人宠坏,忽冷忽热的回复会把最爱你的推开。 The hot and cold is the most painful, and the back and forth the most hurtful. Excessive enthusiasm will spoil the loved one, the hot and cold reply will put the most love you away. 十一、永远也不要高估你在别人心中的地位,其实你什么都不是,多你一个也不多,少你一个也不少。 Never overestimate your position in the hearts of others, in fact, you are nothing, more you are not much, less you are not much. 十二、放下过去的最好方法,就是过好你的现在。频频回头的人,一定是现在混得不好。 The best way to let go of the past is to live your present. Those who frequently look back must be doing badly now.
十三、过去的人就像是发霉了的面包,发酵了的牛奶,隔夜的茶,就算记得当初有多美好,却恢复不了当初的面貌。 People in the past are like moldy bread, fermented milk, overnight tea, even if you remember how good the original, but can not restore the original appearance. 十四、不是每个人都愿意承担你的负能量,也不是每个人都愿听你的焦灼不安。只有真正爱你的人,才会对你的处境感同身受。 Not everyone is willing to take on your negative energy, and not everyone is willing to listen to your anxiety. Only those who truly love you can empathize with your situation. 十五、别人稍一注意你,你就敞开心扉,你觉得这是坦率,其实这是孤独。 As soon as people notice you, you open your heart. You think it's open, but it's lonely.
十六、或许,支撑着我渡过难关的,从来不是什么惊人的勇气和毅力,而是来自明天太阳升起时,生活也许会好一点的侥幸心理。 Perhaps, to support me through the difficulties, is never what amazing courage and perseverance, but from tomorrow when the sun rises, life may be a little bit better. 十七、我要努力拼未来,赚很多的钱,不是因为我爱钱,而是这辈子我不想因为钱和谁在一起,也不想因为钱而离开谁。 I will try my best to fight for the future and earn a lot of money, not because I love money, but in this life I don't want to be with because of money, also don't want to leave because of money.
Like others at the same time don't forget to their own good, anyone can leave you, abandon you, only you have been their own.
十九、没人会真正的感同身受到你的痛楚,也没人会真正的去在意,你一路走来所遇过的坎与负过的伤,所以别再为了寻求安慰,而四处同人诉说你的苦,因为旁人只看结果也只关心结果。 No one will really feel your pain with you, and no one will really care about the difficulties and injuries you have encountered along the way, so stop sharing your pain with others in order to seek comfort, because others only care about the results. 二十、茶凉了,就别再续了,再续也不是原来的味道了;人走了,就别再留了,再留下也不是原来的感觉了。 The tea is cold, do not continue, continue is not the original taste; People go, don't stay, and then stay is not the original feeling. 二十一、只要你想,那些暗无天日的生活终会离开你,没有谁会一直承受这些,更没有谁天生就喜欢那些,何必为了别人委屈了自己。 As long as you think, those dark life will leave you, no one will always bear these, more no one was born to like those, why for others wronged themselves.
二十二、为什么要为别人难过,你是宝贝,你也很重要。真的不用时刻替别人着想,不是每个人都能把你的善良放在心上。 Why feel bad for someone else? You're precious. You're important. You really don't have to think of others all the time. Not everyone can take your kindness to heart. 二十三、赚钱能治愈一切矫情,有钱能治愈一切自卑。愿余生我们都能不为钱而发愁,过自己想要的生活。 Money can cure all melodramatic, money can cure all inferiority. May we live the life we want for the rest of our lives without worrying about money. 二十四、人生路那么长,别因为一件事,一个人而丢掉了自己的善良,应做个不忘初心,温暖善良的人。 Life road is so long, do not because of a thing, a person and lost their good, should do not forget the original heart, warm kind people. |
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