英文战队名字带缩写 英文公会名字带解释
(んdomiante)_独霸 (blossom)_繁荣 (youth shouting°青春呐喊 (antithesis)_对立面 (轨迹 trajectory゜ (giacinta.)_风信子 (catch me )_别放手 (温存﹏)_tenderness (first)_初 (dear)_挚爱 (review)_旧爱 (juice)_果汁 (abandon,)_放纵 (lantau)_青屿 (passerby)_过路人 (de ja vu)_幻觉记忆 (sailor moon)_美少女战士 (sting.)_刺痛] (obsession)_执念 (breath)_呼吸 (太委屈)_grievance (|放生∮)_melody (deserted city)_空城 (pining)_占卜 (reluctantly)_勉强 (fundus peach)_眼底桃花 (silent)_默 (destiny)_命运 (cloudy)_朦胧 (ice)_冰 (autism)_孤独症 (cardiac)_心动 (slaughterer)_屠夫 (stay)_挽留 (らstruggle)_旧事 (stubborn)_固执 (vapaus)_自由 (- 栀子)_scent flavor (avecle soleil丶 手捧阳光 (quite)_非常 (struggle)_旧事 (feeling)_感情 (heart slave)_心奴 (kite)_鸢 (weirdo)_怪人 (染尘)_9 demon。 (delusion)_幻想症 (for the rest of your life)_余生一个你 (the reborn)_重生 (blackout)_放空 (child heart)_虐心 (supreme)_最高的 (catsayer)_隐痛 (醉凡尘)_ world1y (tourist)_游客 (whisper)_悄悄话 (unfinished love 、)_末了情 (倾城)_allure love (acolasia)_放纵 (dream a dream)_梦中梦 (love is too sweet 情话太甜 (假友谊)_hum0ro (伏特加▌finlandia (timber)_木材 (toger)_一起 (street)_陌 (old woundaged scar)_旧伤 (asshead)_傻瓜 (respiration)_呼吸 (奇迹时代·alice.l (angina)_心绞痛 (lose 丶recall)_丢失回忆 (惹人爱)_triste (执着)_paranoid (geek)_怪咖 (暗里着迷)_dreamland (旧情歌)_triste (gehenna)_焦热地狱 (evader)_逃避者 (read)_念 (silly wish)_痴心 |
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