1、月到十五分外圆,把我疼爱把我怜,常常把我挂心间,今夜的汤圆甚是黏,象征我俩圆圆圆。Month to points circle,I love my flow,often hang my heart,tonight the dumplings is very sticky,symbol we round and round。 2、元宵佳节到,喜气登门笑;快乐悦心扉,平安保安康;好运来拜见,吉祥献福瑞;幸福来安营,财运通四方;朋友来祝福,心花怒又放;祝你更开心,元宵笑开怀! 3、吃我做的汤圆,可以一辈子团团圆圆,看我发的微信,可以一辈子快快乐乐,八月十五元宵节,既吃汤圆又看微信,更是可以幸福万万年,祝元宵节开心! 4、笙歌一曲唱佳音,人也圆圆心也圆圆。Shengge a song to sing good news, people are also round, the center is also round. 5、许一个美好的愿望祝你生活快乐幸福,品一份美妙的感觉愿你心想事成,真诚的问候愿你的笑容永远甜甜蜜蜜,来自心底的祝福祝你事事如意,祝愿朋友们元宵节快乐! 6、鼠年到了,愿你的人生幸福甜蜜,快乐智慧。祝你元宵快乐!The year of the rat is coming. May your life be happy, sweet and wise. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival! 7、挂一展幸福的彩灯,点一把快乐的火焰,驱散生活的阴霾,照亮温馨的日子。擀一个平安的皮儿,拌一点香甜的馅儿,裹住团圆的味道,送来吉祥的醇香。元宵节快乐! 8、I wish every year a great success, every month and every month goes well, every day is happy and happy, every moment is full of vigor, every month is full of flowers, and everything goes well with your family. Happy Lantern Festival! 9、愿此元宵佳节,您心情愉悦,身体健康,家庭和美,亲友源远,事业成功,好梦连连。May the Lantern Festival,you happy,healthy body,and the family,friends and family source far,successful career,good dream。 10、元宵节团圆年,年团圆,年年团圆年!元宵夜,夜元宵,夜夜元宵夜! 11、元宵佳节,愿亲情友情爱情财运幸运福运人气手气运气都和您团圆,愿您的每一天都开心快乐!The Lantern Festival,wish family love,friendship,love,money,good luck,good fortune,sentiment,luck,luck and you reunion,wish you happy every day happy! 12、是馅我是面不如作个大元宵;你是灯我是纸不如作个大灯笼;你情我愿庆佳节!欢欢喜喜闹花灯! 13、三五良宵,花灯吐艳映新春;一年初望,明月生辉度佳节。元宵佳节到,请你吃元宵,香甜满心间,新春人更俏。元宵节快乐! 14、Lantern Festival, happy, a time of family reunion, to dinner, text messages, said the menu, happiness of tea, the best bread, rice pudding, sweet dumplings, fruit, peace auspicious fish, happy cake, soup, those dinner ready, must eat oh! 15、元月十五赏月忙,赏了圆月幸福长。On the fifteenth day of January, the moon is busy, and the full moon is happy. 16、时间过得快,忙里又忙外,刚刚过周一,又要过礼拜,才问春节好,又向十五迈,平时问候少,思念却常在,元宵佳节至,请受我一拜,愿你佳节吉祥愉快。Time passed quickly, in the busy and busy, just on Monday, and want to live a week, just ask the Spring Festival is good, again to MPH, greetings from less at ordinary times, often appears on the missing, the Lantern Festival, a worship by me, please, I wish you a happy auspicious New Year。 17、愿你十五元宵闹,美满快乐幸福笑!Wish you 15 Lantern Festival, happy and happy smile! 18、I wish you the Lantern Festival: Yushu Yinhua, and your family will watch Ruixue; Laughing and singing, your family enjoyed the wine and lanterns. On spring night in snuff, several songs are sung for a long time; Beautiful night, your familys flute music is in full bloom. 19、海天一色庆元宵,想念时刻静悄悄,祝福缓缓起浪涛,给你问候荡最高,且把关怀挂树梢,但求幸福为你俏,元宵到,衷心祝愿你节日快乐,出路看好。 20、烟花绽放着辉煌,爆竹合唱着欢歌,灯谜猜开了梦想,美酒飘散着情意,汤圆搓圆了团聚,月光洒落着吉祥,舞步扭出了欢乐,幸福在心地流淌。元宵节快乐!Blooming brilliant fireworks, firecrackers singing song, lantern riddle guessing the dream, the wine away the feeling, tangyuan rub round reunited, the moonlight on the auspicious, dance twisted into a joy, happiness in the heart。 Happy Lantern Festival! 21、元宵姐姐去你那做客了,她轻轻来去,留下片片寄语:汤圆里留下了香甜,花灯里留下了喜庆,家里留下了温暖,手机里留下了我的祝福——元宵快乐! 22、The moon is round, reflecting the sweet smiling face, and the stars are filled with yearning, sweet dumplings, wrapped happy reunion, fireworks, dancing sincere wishes, blessing, carrying the warmth of friendship! Happy Lantern Festival! 23、元宵佳节,送你一碗汤圆,赶走所有琐碎与忧伤;送你一碗真情汤圆,让你体会温馨与欢畅;送你一碗快乐汤圆,让你生活无烦无恼。祝你元宵节快乐! 24、正月十五喜庆多,合家团圆幸福多,心情愉快朋友多,身体健康快乐多,财源滚滚钞票多,年年吉祥如意多,祝愿好友:好事多多多!元宵快乐! 25、红红的灯笼,在幸福中摇曳;俏俏的花灯,在美好中点亮;圆圆的汤圆,在甜蜜中发酵;真真的祝福,在喜庆中送到:元宵节快乐!喜庆元宵佳节,我祝你:日圆,月圆,圆圆如意。官源、财源,源源不断。人缘、福缘,缘缘于手。情愿、心愿,愿愿成真!元宵节快乐! 26、The moon was falling, and I left reluctantly. But the people who watched the lanterns were still in the stream, and all kinds of colored lights were shining like stars in the sky. It was "a night of intoxication, only spring." 27、Lamp round the moon reflected on song times, flowers anniversary reunion, party festival dance huan, a traditional festival happiness praise, famous quintessence to set each other off, show warm shen zhou art, beautiful night sky dream, beautiful lanterns fill is dressed up, sweet words blessing, wish yuan xiao happy moments. 28、On the fifteenth day of the first month, happy and joyous to the world; The fifteenth day of the lantern sweet, wanli rivers, blossoming smile, the fifteenth day of the continous happiness, good luck good xi, the fifteenth day of the hand holding, sweeter than honey to happiness and SMS to a side, wish you a happy a snake! 29、人生如梦,岁月如梭;在人生的旅程里,把最好的祝福送给你,让你一辈子无忧无虑,把最美满的幸福传给你,让你元宵节快乐相随,平安相伴,开心快乐每一天。 30、月到十五分外圆,把你疼爱把你怜,常常把你挂心间,今夜的汤圆甚是黏,我们何时能团圆。Month to points circle,put your love to your flow,often hang your heart,tonight the dumplings is very sticky,when we can together。 31、星星多的地方黑暗就少;笑容多的地方烦恼就少;有朋友的地方寂寞就少寂寞少的时候心情就好;心情好一切都好!元宵节快乐! 32、元宵之夜,赠你一轮心中的明月!愿它在你的每一个漫漫长夜里,照亮你心间,照亮你前进的路! 33、City spring palace willow, pour you a cup of wine yuan xiao, although the distance far missing in, often shake hands, on the happy occasion of years, wish good luck to go with you, good luck for you, wish you happy forever. 34、红红的月亮升起来,红红的灯笼挂起来,红红的秧歌扭起来,红红的鞭炮响起来,红红的脸上笑出来,红红的日子火起来,汤圆也有红红的馅,红红火火福常在。愿你元宵节开心快乐! 35、我用十分诚心,九分真心,八分爱心,七分舒心,六分适心,五分开心,四分小心,三分用心,二分童心,一分尽心煮一碗元宵汤圆送给你,祝元宵节幸福,永远开心! 36、元宵节的汤圆最甜蜜,元宵节里都是会有着欢天喜地的时候,在这个的时候人们都是会羡慕起来,让你更加的.快乐如此,让你更加的如此更加的平安起来。 37、回荡着新春的热闹,吟唱着欢乐的歌调,迎接着春风的.微笑,祝福的短信已来到,祝福你元宵快乐最独到,生活美好,事业走高,前途分外美妙。Echoed with the New Year's lively, singing songs of joy, smile to greet the spring breeze, the blessing of message has come, and wish you a happy Lantern Festival is the most original and beautiful life, career, the future is wonderful。 38、The moon is round and round, and the sweet dumpling is a good luck. I wish you a happy and happy family. 39、元宵节,挂灯笼,挂一个如意灯,和美又顺风;挂一个希望灯,五谷都丰登;挂一个锦绣灯,发达财源兴;挂一个吉祥灯,健康又安宁。祝合家团圆,万事如意! 40、The night time is suspended, enjoying the full passion; The moon and the stars look at the drunk, now the sweet singing companion; Tang yuan is located in a thousand homes, sweet smile on the cheeks; The song and the festival life, good luck and good luck meet. I wish you a lucky day and a happy day. 41、愿你生活步步高,给你温暖来报道。May your life step by step higher and give you warmth to report. 42、盛开的是朵朵鲜花,结出的是累累的硕果,发送的是句句温情的问候,带给你的是满满的真心祝福:元宵佳节,愿你健健康康团团圆圆! 43、在这个充满喜悦的日子里,在长久的离别后,愿元宵节的灯火带给你一份宁静和喜悦,和我深深的思念!In the days full of joy,after a long absence,the Lantern Festival lights will bring you a peace and joy,and I deeply miss! 44、正月十五吃汤圆,亲情相伴庆团圆!正月十五花灯亮,幸福笑容挂脸上!正月十五闹元宵,暖风拂面春满堂!祝元宵节快乐! 45、真诚的祝愿延续至今,祝愿你元宵节快乐!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival! 46、Bright moonlight, hazy beauty; Marigold lanterns, swaying romance; Each one is round and round; Sound blessing, warm and beautiful. Appreciating the moon, watching lanterns, eating dumplings, sending blessings, Lantern Festival I think you, send a message missing you, Lantern Festival happy! 47、远方的你是否无恙?在这个思念的季节里,改变的是我的容颜,不变的是永远牵挂你的心!真心愿你佳节快乐!福气鸿喜千家乐,彩灯春花万户新。 48、为答谢你一直以来的厚爱,元宵来临之际,特赠一碗特制汤圆:健康为皮,幸福为馅,财富为汤,价值一毛钱,祝你元宵快乐!Thanks for you always love,yuanxiao,give a bowl of dumplings specially:for skin health,happiness for filling,wealth for soup,worth a dime,I wish you a happy lantern! 49、Visionary, considering you have ideal, and has great wisdom, the universe super invincible genius, beloved, see flowers blossom, car see flat tire, then there will be a mass text messages jam, so early to wish you: happy Lantern Festival! 50、祝福元宵节快乐,希望你一切都好!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival. I hope you are all right! |
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