我不想做你的故人,只想做你余生故事里的人。 I don't want to be your old man, I just want to be the one in your story for the rest of my life. “春天会下雪,夏天有大雨,秋天会起风,冬天有艳阳。 一年四季会有很多意外,但最迷人的,还是遇见了你。”
"it will snow in spring,
rain in summer,
wind in autumn and bright sun in winter. There will be a lot of accidents all year round,
but the most fascinating thing is to meet you. "
爱一个人,其实很简单,他让你流泪,让你失望,尽管这样,他站在那里,你还是会走过去牵他的手,不由自主——这就是爱。 Love a person, in fact, is very simple, he makes you cry, let you disappointed, even so, he stands there, you will walk over to hold his hand, can not help but-this is love. 练习了千百遍的笑容和言语,见到你却词不达意胡言乱语,嗯,我很想你,我喜欢你。 Practice thousands of smiles and words, see you but words don't mean nonsense, well, I miss you very much, I like you.
如此情深却难以启齿,原来若真爱一个人,内心酸涩反而会说不出话来,甜言蜜语,多数说给不相干的人听。 So deep but difficult to say, if you really love a person, the heart will be sour but can not speak, sweet words, most of them to irrelevant people. 我看过春风十里,见过夏至未至,试过秋光潋滟,爱过冬日暖阳,全都抵不过你一句:我想见你。 I have seen the spring breeze ten, has seen the Summer Solstice not to come, has tried the autumn light glittering, has loved the winter warm sun, all can not reach you one sentence: I want to see you.
我对你的喜欢,三行根本写不完,可惜你一行也不会看。 I like you, three lines can not finish, but you can not read a line. 最好的爱情,不过是遇见一个人,先相见恨晚,后余生与共。 The best love, but to meet a person, first meet each other late, the rest of the life together. |