没有一切顺顺利利的爱情,在爱情中难免会有悲伤的时刻。下面是小编为大家整理的英语悲伤的爱情语录,希望大家喜欢 1、我们总是狠自私、狠嚣张、狠伤感、狠颓废。 We are always selfish, arrogant, sad and decadent. 2、完美的幸福,始终需要两个人来争取。 Perfect happiness, always need two people to strive for. 3、那杯咖啡,加了糖,为什么还是这么苦? That cup of coffee, with sugar, why is it so bitter? 4、我没有痛苦没有悲伤,因为你不想让别人看见。 I have no pain, no sorrow, because you don't want to be seen. 5、最后熬夜成为了习惯,却再也等不到你的一句晚安。 Finally, staying up late becomes a habit, but I can't wait for your good night. 6、心死也许真的就是那么一句话,那么几个字的事。 Heart death may really be such a sentence, so a few words. 7、命中最美的点缀,看天,看雪,看季节深深的暗影。 Hit the most beautiful embellishment, look at the sky, see the snow, see the deep shadow of the season. 8、若心灵没有归处,世界再大,也只是流浪。 If the soul does not return to the home, the world is no more than wandering. 9、亲吻我的手,换取被原谅的承诺。 Kiss my hand in exchange for a promise to be forgiven. 10、我以为一走了之就可以吧你忘了!但是我错了! I thought it would be OK to leave. You forget it! But I was wrong! 11、我假装清醒,看清你的心,终于我选择离去。 I pretend to be sober, see your heart clearly, and finally I choose to leave. 12、我不在乎什么天长地久,我只在乎你想不想要拥有。 I don't care what forever, I only care if you want to have. 13、记忆的破碎,找不回,梦想还能坚持吗。 The memory of the broken, can not find back, the dream can still adhere to it. 14、牵强的微笑,活不出无人能比的高傲。 Farfetched smile, can not live no one can be proud. 15、爱情会让人们流泪,友情却是帮别人擦眼泪。 Love makes people cry, but friendship helps others to wipe their tears. |
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