一、没事的,每个人大概都会经历一些情绪崩溃或者极端的时刻,会好的,会熬过来的。 It's okay. Everyone's going through some kind of emotional breakdown or extreme moment. It's going to be okay. 二、好看的皮囊你玩不起,有趣的灵魂不搭理你,精致的皮囊千篇一律,匹配的灵魂万里挑一。 You can't afford to play with a beautiful skin, and the interesting soul doesn't pay attention to you. The delicate skin is the same, and the matching soul is one in a million.
三、你不快乐是因为你没有好好爱自己,且常常因为别人而消耗着自己。 You are unhappy because you do not love yourself well, and often consume yourself because of others. 四、如果你不是一个很善于交际的人,那就一个人吃饭,一个人散步,一个人看电影,你会发现,其实一个人比一群人更好过。 If you're not a very social person, eat alone, walk alone, watch a movie alone, and you'll find that being alone is better than being in a group.
五、如果吼能解决问题,驴将统治世界,所以,请控制情绪,温柔说话。 If roaring solves the problem, donkeys will rule the world, so please control your emotions and speak softly. 六、不要做廉价的自己,不要随意去付出,不要一厢情愿去迎合别人,圈子不同,不必强融! Don't be cheap yourself, don't pay at will, don't cater to others with wishful thinking, the circle is different, don't be strong!
七、你对一个人有了欲望,那叫喜欢,你为一个人忍住了欲望,那叫爱。 You have desire for a person, that is like, you for a person to suppress desire, that is love. 八、挫折会来,也会过去,热泪会流下,也会收起,没有什么可以让我气馁的,因为,我有着长长的一生。 Setbacks will come, will pass, tears will flow down, will pack up, nothing can make me discouraged, because, I have a long life.
九、看不惯我的人,你不能改变我的生活方式,但你可以抠瞎自己的眼睛。 If you don't like me, you can't change my way of life, but you can pick out your own eyes. 十、对于大多数人来说,努力奋斗仅仅是为了能活着,别冠上努力奋斗是为了成功那么冠冕堂皇的理由。 For most people, hard work is just to live, don't give the high-sounding reason that hard work is to succeed.
十一、我不接受任何背后的议论与批评,如果你看我很不爽,谢谢你的情绪,我很开心。 I don't accept any behind the scenes comments and criticism, if you see me upset, thank you for your mood, I am very happy. 十二、与人相处:你尊重我,我就尊重你,你无视我,我就无视你,就这么简单!别惯坏了不知领情的人;别喂饱了不懂回馈的心。 Get along with people: you respect me, I respect you, you ignore me, I ignore you, it's that simple! Don't spoil the ungrateful; Don't feed your heart that doesn't give back.
十三、人必须争气和强大,才不会被人欺负;也必须谦逊和慈悲,才不会欺负别人。 People must be strong and strong, will not be bullied; You also have to be humble and compassionate to not bully others. 十四、我倒了一杯热水给你,你却想喝饮料,结果越喝越渴,你想起了热水,可那时热水已冰凉刺骨,我热情有限,你把握时间。 I poured a cup of hot water for you, but you wanted to drink the drink, the more you drank the more thirsty, you remembered the hot water, but then the hot water has been icy cold, my enthusiasm is limited, you seize the time.
十五、不要轻易让自己掉眼泪,你笑,全世界跟着笑。你哭,全世界只有你一个人在哭。 Don't let yourself cry easily. Laugh and the world laughs with you. You cry, you cry alone in the world. 十六、首先把自己变成想要的样子,然后遇一个无需取悦的人。友情爱情或者生活都一样,安全感都得自己给自己。 First make yourself what you want to be, then meet someone who doesn't have to please. Friendship, love or life are the same, security must give yourself.
十七、众口难调,不管你怎么做,总有人会有不同的质疑。所以做好自己,开心就好。 No matter what you do, there will always be people who have different opinions. So be yourself and be happy. 十八、人人都忙碌的时代,谁也不会成为你的救世主,你要自己为自己负责,自己为自己出头。
No one will ever be your savior in an age when everyone is busy. You have to take responsibility for yourself and stand up for yourself.
十九、时间很无情,它会把你欠下的对不起,变得还不起。又会把很多对不起,变成来不及。 Time is merciless, it will be you owe sorry, become unaffordable. Will turn a lot of sorry, into too late. 二十、生活中总有太多复杂的人和事,对着你笑的人有很多,但真心对你好的人却很少。我们不能对谁都掏心掏肺,但我们要做到问心无愧。 There are always too many complicated people and things in life. Many people smile at you, but few are really good to you. We can't drain our hearts from our lungs, but we must keep our conscience clear. |