一、温柔扑了空,才能长记性。 Gentle flounce empty, ability long memory. 二、希望大家明白一个道理:慢生活是有底气的自给自足,而不是好吃懒做的得过且过。 Hope everyone understand a truth: slow life is to have the courage to be self-sufficient, rather than lazy lazy muddle along.
三、不可能天天都是好日子,有了不顺心的日子,好日子才会闪闪发光呀。 Every day can not be a good day, with bad days, the good day will shine. 四、大多数人口中的“怎么了”,只是为了满足好奇心,并没有要帮助你的意思。 Most people say “what's wrong” just to satisfy their curiosity, not to help you.
五、希望善良的人总会在某一节点得到命运的馈赠。 Hope good people will always get the gift of fate at some point. 六、如果这辈子你没得罪过人,也说明这辈子你也没干成过什么事。 If you haven't offended anyone in this life, it means you haven't done anything in this life. 七、人就是这样,新鲜感一过,指不定说出什么难听的话来。 That's the way people are. When the novelty wears off, they don't know what to say.
八、要好好赚钱,这样至少在没人陪你的时候,你可以自己去吃想吃的东西,去想去的地方。 Make a lot of money so that at least you can eat what you want and go where you want when no one is with you. 九、友情里不喜欢假装,也不喜欢凑合,爱情里学不会低头,也学不会将就。 Friendship does not like to pretend, also do not like to make do with, love will not bow, also learn not to compromise.
十、往后余生,愿我无坚不摧,愿我百毒不侵,愿我刀枪不入,愿我狼心狗肺,愿我逍遥快活。 In the rest of my life, May I be indestructible, may I poison not attack, may I invulnerability, may I Wolf heart lung, may I be happy. 十一、命运要你成长的时候,总会安排一些让你不顺心的人或事刺激你。这是规律。 Fate wants you to grow up, there will always be some unpleasant people or things to stimulate you. That's the rule.
十二、什么事都要先在自身找原因,不要总是苟求他人。鞋子脏了,是因为你走的路不干净。 Everything should be in their own reasons, do not always seek others. Shoes are dirty because the road you walk on is not clean. 十三、管好自己的嘴,不吃对身体有害的东西,不和陌生人说心里话,不吻没有可能的人。
Mind your own mouth,
don't eat harmful things,
don't talk to strangers,
don't kiss impossible people.
十四、该白眼就白眼,该甩脸就甩脸,各自做好本分,对得起良心,不亏待每份真诚,不讨好任何冷漠。 The white eyes on the white eyes, the jilt face jilt face, do their duty, conscience, do not treat each sincere, do not curry favor with any indifference. 十五、如果你不快乐,那可能是钱不到位,虽然很俗,但确实是这样子。 If you're not happy, it's probably because you don't have the money. It's cheesy, but it is.
十六、长大成人这件事最恐怖的地方之一在于,你或许会变成自己曾经最看不起的那种人。 One of the scariest things about growing up is that you may turn out to be the person you once despised. 十七、我的心不是二十四小时营业的餐厅,没有随时的欢迎光临。 My heart is not open 2四、 hours a day restaurant, not at any time, welcome to. 十八、成长最遗憾的部分在于,我们总在最无知的年华里遇到最好的人,却不自知。 The most unfortunate part of growing up is that we always meet the best people in the most ignorant years, but we don't know it.
十九、别总拿自己饱经风霜的脸说事,美的不突出,丑的不别致。 Don't always take their own weather-beaten face, the United States is not outstanding, ugly is not chic. 二十、你要变得很漂亮,有文化,有知识,有温柔,有人格。不是为了能有人爱你,而是为了你的爱,能更有价值,更被人所期待。 You have to be beautiful, educated, knowledgeable, gentle, and personable. Not so that you may be loved, but so that you may be loved, be more valuable, and more desirable. |
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