一、要学会在不愉快的日子里,搜刮被生活藏起来的温柔。 To learn in the unhappy days, the life is hidden by the gentle. 二、时间会告诉我们,简单的喜欢最长远,平凡中的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最温暖。
Time will tell us,
simple like the most long-term,
ordinary company the most peaceful,
understand you the most warm people.
三、既然生,便与夏花一样的绚烂;既然爱,便要付出所有的情感。 Since life, it will be as gorgeous as summer flowers; Since love, it is necessary to pay all the feelings. 四、每个人都有属于自己的一片森林,迷失的人迷失了,相逢的人会再相逢。 Everyone has his own forest, lost people lost, meet the people will meet again.
五、对未来越有信心,对当下越有耐心。 The more confidence you have in the future, the more patient you are with the present. 六、如果你是对的,你没必要发脾气;如果你是错的,你没资格去发脾气。 If you are right, you don't have to lose your temper; If you are wrong, you have no right to lose your temper.
七、家败离不得个奢字,人败离不得个逸字,讨人嫌离不得个骄字。 A family is a luxury word, a person is a luxury word, and a nuisance word is a pride word. 八、人在无端微笑时,不是百无聊赖,就是痛苦难当。 When people smile without cause, they are either bored or in pain.
九、成年人相处和睦,最重要的一点是:不要拿自己的生活方式去要求别人。 The most important thing for adults to get along with is not to ask others for their own way of life. 十、孤独一人也没关系,只要能发自内心地爱着一个人,人生就会有救。 It doesn't matter to be alone, as long as you can love someone from the bottom of your heart, life will be saved.
十一、不要嫉妒比你赚得多的人。这个世界是公平的,有得必有失。这些人虽然得到了大量的财富,但他们同时也失去了烦恼和贫穷。 Don't be jealous of someone who earns more than you do. The world is fair. Some gains, some losses. Although these people get a lot of wealth, they also lose worry and poverty. 十二、也许当你什么都不奢望的时候,一切都会如期而至。 Maybe when you don't expect anything, everything will come your way.
十三、强大不在于外表,其实,能控制好自己的情绪,才是真正的强大,请管理好自己的情绪。 Strong does not lie in appearance, in fact, can control their own emotions, is really strong, please manage their own emotions. 十四、在乎你的人,你咳了一下,他都以为你感冒了;不在乎你的人,你死了,他会以为你睡着了! The people who care about you, you cough, he thinks you have a cold; He who does not care about you, when you die, he will think you are asleep!
十五、只记仇恨不记恩德,是下等人;只记恩德不记仇恨,是上等人。 To remember only hatred, not kindness, is a lowlife; He is a gentleman who remembers kindness but not hatred. 十六、生活总是这样,不能叫人处处都满意。但我们还要热情地活下去。人活一生,值得爱的东西很多,不要因为一个不满意,就灰心。 Life is always like this, can not be satisfied everywhere. But we still have to live enthusiastically. There are many things worth loving in a person's life. Don't lose heart just because one is dissatisfied. |
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