一、把期待变低,把依赖减少,渐渐地,你会过得越来越好。 Lower your expectations, reduce your dependence, and gradually, you will be better off. 二、储存阳光,必有远芳,心中有暖,又何惧人生荒凉。 Store the sun, there will be far fang, the heart is warm, and do not fear the desolation of life.
三、你不能等待别人来安排你的人生,自己想要的,自己争取。 You can't wait for someone else to plan your life. You have to go for what you want. 四、堂堂正正做人,活活泼泼存在,生命的格局,就来源于对朴素生活的热爱。 The pattern of life comes from the love of simple life.
Exercise hard if you have time! You can't be single and overweight.
六、没必要刻意遇见谁,也不急于拥有谁,更不勉强留住谁 。一切顺其自然,最好的自己留给最后的人。 There is no need to deliberately meet who, nor in a hurry to have who, more not reluctant to keep who. Let nature take its course and save the best for the last person.
七、好好生活 别爱而不得,别坠入爱河,别重蹈覆辙。 Live your life don't fall in love don't fall in love don't make the same mistakes. 八、一个人,风尘仆仆地活在这个世界上,要为喜欢自己的人而活着。这才是最好的态度。不要在不喜欢你的人那里丢掉了快乐,然后又在喜欢自己的人这里忘记了快乐。 A person, dusty to live in this world, to like their own people and live. That's the best attitude. Don't lose happiness in someone who doesn't like you, and then forget happiness in someone who likes you.
九、逢人只说三分话,不可全抛一片心。 Only say three words to everyone, don't throw all your heart away. 十、做个内心阳光的人。不忧伤,不心急。坚强、向上,靠近阳光,成为更好的自己,你不需要别人过多的称赞,因为你自己知道自己有多好。内心的强大,永远胜过外表的浮华。 Be a person with a sunny heart. No sorrow, no hurry. Be strong, be up, be close to the sun, be a better person, you don't need too much praise from others, because you know how good you are. Inner strength is always better than outward vanity.
十一、凡事最好做到三个字,想得开。想,就是能思考。得,就是有收获。开,就是会开心。做到这三个字,很多事就不是事了。 It's best to do everything in three words. To think is to think. Get, have harvest namely. Open, is happy. Do these three words, a lot of things are not things. 十二、人是多么的脆弱,每一次苦难都会在我们身上留下难以磨灭的伤痕;人又是多么的坚强,只要苦难不足以致命,就能重新出发。 How fragile people are, every suffering will leave an indelible scar on our body; How strong people are, as long as the suffering is not fatal, you can start again.
十三、一个人若不敢追求自己的幸福,那就是浪费了自己的能力和天赋。 It is a waste of one's abilities and talents to be afraid of pursuing one's own happiness. 十四、生命中有很多特定的刹那都像一篇极短篇:没有起始,没有终结。因此,那挑选出来的一刹那就特别清新而淡远,特别苦涩又甘香。 There are certain moments in life that are like a short story: no beginning, no end. Therefore, the selected moment is particularly fresh and distant, particularly bitter and sweet.
十五、那些大方舍得为你花钱的人,并不是多么富有,而是他觉得你们的关系比钱重要,因为重要才舍得。 he person who is willing to spend money for you is not so rich, but he thinks your relationship is more important than money, because it is important. 十六、人,真的要学着承担。当自己一天天的成长,我们所扮演的角色也愈来愈多。其中也难免会有些自己不擅长、不喜欢,甚至不习惯的角色,此时若是不咬紧牙关、满怀热忱的坚持下去,只想逃进自己安逸的小圈圈里,像个孩子一样无忧无虑,一不小心可是会付出许多幸福的代价。 People, really need to learn to bear. As we grow, we play more and more roles. There will inevitably be some of their own not good at, do not like, or even not used to the role, at this time if you do not bite the bullet, full of enthusiasm to adhere to, just want to escape into their own comfortable small circle, like a child carefree, a careless but will pay the price of many happiness. |
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