一、时间就是这样:夜里想着心事,第二天的闹铃就响了;下几次雨,夏天也结束了;等反应过来的时候,一年已经快要过去了。 This is the time: thinking at night, the next day's alarm clock rang; It rained a few times, and the summer was over; By the time I think about it, a year has already passed. 二、爱的时候不辜负人,玩的时候不辜负风景,睡觉时不辜负床,一个人时不辜负自己。 Don't live up to people when you love, don't live up to the scenery when you play, don't live up to the bed when you sleep, don't live up to yourself when a person.
三、活鱼会逆流而上,死鱼才会随波逐流。 Live fish swim upstream, dead fish swim with the current. 四、成年人现状:能打开内心的人越来越少,诚心给你添堵的人越来越多。 Adult status: Fewer and fewer people can open their hearts, and more and more people are willing to obstruct you.
五、这辈子没有什么优越感,光不自卑就已经用尽了全力。 In this life there is no sense of superiority, light without inferiority has exhausted all. 六、别跟三观不一致的人争执,别向不关心你的人诉苦,别对不喜欢自己的人讨好。 Don't argue with those whose views differ, don't complain to those who don't care about you, and don't please those who don't like you. 七、关关难过关关过,步步难行步步行,夜夜难熬夜夜熬。 Pass through difficult customs, step by step difficult to walk, night after night.
八、这世界上大部分的失落,都是因为我们自己没成为更好的自己,却奢求着别人成为更好的别人。 Most of the loss in the world is because we don't become a better ourselves, but crave for someone else to become a better others. 九、人与人相处和睦,最重要的一点是:不要拿自己的生活方式去要求别人。 The most important thing for people to get along well with each other is: don't ask others for your way of life.
十、不要难过,人的运势就像天上的月亮一样,此消彼长,缺了的部分,还会圆回来。 Don't be sad, a person's fortune is just like the moon in the sky, one ebb and another flow, missing part, will circle back. 十一、日子总是有意思的,了无生趣的是打不起精神的你。
Life is always interesting,
boring is the spirit of you.
十二、当你毫无保留地信任一个人,最终只会有这两种结果,不是生命中的那个人,就是生命中的一堂课。 When you trust someone unreservedly, there are only two outcomes, either the person in your life or the lesson in your life. 十三、太阳落了还会升起,不幸的日子总有尽头,过去是这样,将来也是这样。 The sun will rise again after it has set. There is always an end to misfortune. It was and it will be.
十四、我们都像小孩,胡闹是因为依赖;礼貌,是因为是陌生;主动,是因为在乎;不联系,是因为觉得自己多余。 We are all like children, mischief is because of dependence; Polite, because it is strange; Active, because care; Do not contact, because you feel redundant. 十五、往事归零,爱恨随意。从此山水不相逢,不问旧人长与短。 The past zero, love hate at will. From now on, mountains and rivers do not meet, regardless of the old people long and short.
十六、请记住:有两种事我们应该尽量少干,一是用自己的嘴干扰别人的人生,二是靠别人的脑子思考自己的人生。 Remember: there are two things we should do as little as possible. One is to interfere with other people's lives with our own mouths, and the other is to rely on other people's brains to think about our own lives. |
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