一、你应该乐观起来,这世界有朝夕和四季,有理想和远方还有火锅和啤酒。 you should be optimistic, the world has a day and four seasons, ideals and distance as well as hot pot and beer. 二、生命里总有那么个人,惊艳了时光,让你念念不忘;哭红了眼眶,却还笑着原谅。 there is always someone in life, amazing time, let you never forget; Cry red eyes, but also forgive with a smile.
三、希望能快乐,祝你也祝我。 I hope to be happy, I wish you wish me. 四、起风的日子学会依风起舞,下雨的时候学会为自己撑起一把伞。生活有望穿秋水的期待,也会有意想不到的欣喜。 the day of the wind learn to dance according to the wind, learn to hold up an umbrella for yourself when it rains. Life is full of expectations, but also unexpected joy.
五、偶尔对自己好些,偷个小懒,抽点小疯,花点小钱,不算伤天害理。 occasionally better to yourself, steal a little lazy, a little crazy, spend a little money, not to hurt god. 六、让人难堪的玩笑不要开,让人反感的事不要做,懂得适可而止才不讨人厌。 Don't open embarrassing jokes, don't do disgusting things, know enough to avoid annoying people.
七、我说过的话不重说,做错的事不重做,爱过的人不重爱。 I never say again what I said, never do again what I did wrong, never love who I loved. 八、人和人终究是不同的,有人风雨中送来的晚餐,却不及某人随口的一句晚安。 After all, people are different, someone sent in the wind and rain dinner, but not as good as someone casually good night.
don't lust after meaningless people or things,
carrying garbage hand how to teng out to receive gifts.
十、我想要的是互相进步,各自生活,心中有爱的恋爱,而不是整天腻在一起,堕落无趣且低俗。 What I want is mutual progress, their lives, love in the heart, not tired of together all day, depravity boring and vulgar.
十一、小鹿乱撞是神明的拜访。 Fawn bump is the visit of the gods. 十二、吃醋就是爱和讨厌同时出现,产生了微妙的反应,像橘子汽水一样冒泡泡。 To be jealous is to love and dislike both at the same time, producing a subtle reaction that bubbles up like orange soda.
十三、世上有很多不可能,不过不要在你未尽全力之前下结论。 There are many impossibilities, but don't judge before you have tried your best. 十四、你的好运气藏在你的实力里,也藏在你不为人知的努力里,你越努力,就越幸运。 Your luck gas reservoir in your strength, but also hidden in your unknown efforts, the harder you work, the luckier.
十五、一定要爱着点什么,恰似草木对光阴的钟情。 Must love something, just like grass and trees love the time. 十六、做一个很酷的人,汽水只喝一半,走了绝不回头,闹钟一响就起,连告别都是两手插兜,从来不会难过,流眼泪无所谓,前路怎样只是洒脱行走。 do a very cool person, soda drink only half, walked never look back, the alarm clock rang up, even goodbye are hands in pockets, never sad, tears does not matter, how the way forward just free and easy to walk. |
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