一、不要以为你放不下的人同样会放不下你,鱼没有水会死,水没有鱼却会更清澈。 don't think you can not put people will not put you, fish will die without water, water without fish will be more clear. 二、在小时候想要什么,恨不得全世界都去知道,就像是已经得到一样;现在想要什么,生怕是别人知道,否则就像要失去一样。 What I wanted in my childhood, I wish the whole world would know, as if I had already got it; What do you want now, lest someone else know, otherwise it will be like to lose.
三、每天都过得跟复制粘贴似的,没有惊喜,没有意外。 every day is like a copy and paste, no surprise, no accident. 四、请你不要不开心,这个世界已经有很多人和事会让你失望,而最不应该的,就是自己还令自己失望。 please don't be unhappy, the world has a lot of people and things will let you down, and the most should not, is to let yourself down.
五、女孩应该明白的是:气质比年龄重要,微笑比颜值重要,开心比爱情重要。 the girl should understand is: temperament is more important than age, smile is more important than appearance level, happy is more important than love. 六、有些东西,并不是越浓越好,要恰到好处。深深的话我们浅浅地说,长长的路我们慢慢地走。 some things, is not the more concentrated the better, to be just right. Deep words we say shallow, long road we walk slowly.
七、车远了,还有下一趟,人远了,再也找不回来了。在这个缺乏人情味的世界里,好好珍惜对你好的人。 the car is far, and the next bus, people far, can not find back. In this impersonal world, cherish the people who treat you well. 八、有些主动,别人不理就算了;有些在乎,他人不觉就罢了。 some initiative, others ignore; Some care, others do not notice it.
九、世间所有不尽人意之事,全靠硬扛。接受成长,也接受所有的不欢而散。 all the unsatisfactory thing in the world, all rely on shoulder. Accept the growth, but also accept all the bad part. 十、没必要刻意遇见谁,也不急于拥有谁,更不勉强留住谁。一切顺其自然,最好的自己留给最后的人。 There is no need to deliberately meet who, also not eager to have who, more not reluctant to keep who. Let nature take its course and save the best for the last person.
十一、无论你说话多么谨慎,总有人歪曲你的意思。所以,学会不在乎。 No matter how carefully you speak, someone will always distort your meaning. So, learn not to care. 十二、大部分的人对于所谓成功,只有两个标准:小时候的分数和大了之后的钱数。 Most people have only two criteria for success: a good grade at an early age and a large amount of money later in life.
Time is a knife poking through the hypocrisy,
it verified the lies,
exposed the reality,
diluted the commitment.
十四、为了自己想过的生活,勇于放弃一些东西。这个世界没有公正之处,你也永远得不到两全之计。 For the life you want to live, have the courage to give up something. There is no justice in this world, and you will never have it both ways.
十五、爱别人要适可而止,爱自己要尽心尽力。 Enough is enough to love others, love yourself to do your best. 十六、世界上有两种长大的方式,一种是明白了,一种是忘记了明白不了的,心中了无牵挂。所有人都用后一种方式长大。 There are two ways to grow up in the world, one is to understand, one is to forget not to understand, no care in the heart. Everyone grows up the latter way. |