一、外界的声音都是参考,你不开心就不要参考。 the outside voice is a reference, you are not happy don't reference. 二、每个人的人生里都会遇到一场措手不及的大雨,若你身陷雨中,愿有人为你撑伞,如果没有,也愿你有听雨的心情。 everyone's life will encounter a heavy rain unprepared, if you are caught in the rain, someone is willing to hold an umbrella for you, if not, also wish you have the mood to listen to the rain.
三、世界上有两个你:一个善于交往开朗大方,一个半死不活孤独非常。 There are two of you in the world: one is good at communication, cheerful and generous, one is very lonely. 四、凡是人间的灾难,无论落在谁的头上,谁都得受着,而且都受得了。 All the disasters of the world, no matter who falls on the head, who have to suffer, and can bear.
五、敬自己一杯酒,祝我无坚不摧,祝我百毒不侵,祝我狼心狗肺,祝我逍遥快活。 toast yourself to a glass of wine, I wish I am indestructible, I wish I poison not invade, I wish I am a Wolf, I wish I am happy. 六、如今我们仅有的默契,就是安静的躺在对方的好友列表里,不闻不问,各自生活。 now we only tacit understanding, is to lie quietly in each other's friends list, indifferent, separate life.
七、别否定自己,你特别好,特别温柔,特别值得。 Don't deny yourself, you are very good, very gentle, very worthy. 八、哪怕生命坎坷多折,人生磨难不平,我仍希望你与爱的人握手时,带着温柔与热情。 Even though life is full of ups and downs, life is full of trials and tribulations, I still hope that when you shake hands with someone you love, you do so with gentleness and warmth.
九、你没权利看不惯我的生活方式,但你有权抠瞎自己的双眼。 You have no right to dislike my way of life, but you have the right to blind your own eyes. 十、没人会关心你付出过多少努力,撑得累不累,摔得疼不疼,他们只会看你最终站在什么位置,然后羡慕或鄙夷。 no one will care how much effort you have put in, too tired, fall pain, they will only see you finally stand in which position, and then envy or disdain.
十一、狗不能喂得太饱,人不能对他太好!忍一时得寸进尺,退一步变本加厉。玩笑别太过,要不都是祸。 The dog can not feed too full, people can not be too good for him! Endure an inch at a time, take a step back and make it worse. Don't take the joke too far, or it will be a disaster. 十二、今天再大的事到了明天就是小事,今年再大的事到了明年就是故事,凡事开心点,反正最后谁也不能活着离开这个世界。 Today again big things to tomorrow is a small thing, this year again big things to next year is a story, everything happy, anyway, finally who can not leave this world alive.
十三、心中藏恶鬼,眼中无良人。 In the heart of a devil, no lover. 十四、其实真正的送别,没有长亭古道,没有劝君更尽一杯酒,就是在一个和平时一样的清晨,有的人留在昨天了。 In fact, the real farewell, there is no changting ancient road, no advised you to drink more, is in a morning as usual, some people stayed yesterday.
I went to school for so many years, stayed up so many nights, do so many exercises, under all kinds of pressure, participate in all kinds of cruel exams, fall in love, break up, work, work overtime. I work so hard, actually is to become an ordinary person… 十六、一定要站在你所热爱的世界里闪闪发光。 Shine in the world you love. |
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