一、要不爱恨分明快意人生,要不没心没肺扮傻到底,别让自己活成了那种懂得很多道理,却也过不好这一生的人。 don't love hate clear happy life, or play dumb in the end, don't let yourself live into the kind of people who know a lot of truth, but also have a bad life. 二、拔罐的人永远说你湿气重,美容的永远说你缺水,就像不爱你的人总在你身上挑毛病。 cupping people will always say that you are wet, beauty will always say that you lack of water, just like the people who do not love you always find fault in your body.
三、我是很会考虑别人感受的人,所以一般说话都不会让人难堪,如果哪次我说话让你不舒服了,别多想,我就是故意的。 I am very considerate of other people's feelings, so generally speaking will not make people embarrassed, if I speak to you uncomfortable, do not think about it, I am on purpose. 四、别不好意思拒绝别人,反正那些好意思为难你的人也不是什么好人。 don't be shy to refuse others, anyway, those who are embarrassed to embarrass you are not good people.
五、一生不喜与人抢,但该得到的也不会让。 Life and people do not like to rob, but the got will not let. 六、我们都像小孩,胡闹是因为依赖;礼貌,是因为是陌生。主动,是因为在乎。不联系,是因为觉得自己多余。 we are all like a child, mischief is dependent; Polite, because it is strange. Active, because care. Do not contact, because you feel redundant.
七、想变成一只小猫,窝在喜欢的人怀里,呼噜呼噜睡觉,温柔打个滚。 want to become a kitten, nest in the arms of the person you like, snoring, gentle roll. 八、当你毫无保留的信任一个人,最终只会有这两种结果,不是生命中的那个人,就是生命中的一堂课。 When you trust a person without reservation, there are only two outcomes, either the person in your life or the lesson in your life.
九、安稳的发自己的光,别熄灭他人的灯,是人性光辉中最和谐的温柔和最温暖的回应。 safe to send their own light, do not put out the lights of others, is the most harmonious gentle and warm response in the glory of human nature. 十、总有某一段路,只能你一个人走,总有许多事,需要你一个人扛,总有一份孤独,需要你独自承受。 There is always a certain part of the road, only you walk alone, there are always a lot of things, need you a person to carry, there is always a lonely, need you to bear alone.
十一、偶尔做一个温柔的人,不言不语,不争不抢,不紧不慢,淡然处之。 Occasionally do a gentle person, wordless, do not fight not to rob, take it easy, calmly. 十二、找到一个对的人,是给自己最好的奢侈品。我们终其一生,不过是想找个能一起吃饭的人。 Find a right person, is to give yourself the best luxury. All our lives, we're just looking for someone to eat with.
十三、愿你能成为自己的英雄,不惧离别,不怕孤独。 May you become your own hero, not afraid to leave, not afraid to be alone. 十四、愿你早日学会逢场作戏,愿你早点习惯物是人非,毕竟不是每一个人都和天真的你一样容易动真情。 I hope you learn to flirt, I wish you get used to things changed, after all, not everyone and naive you as easy to move the truth.
十五、拼命对一个人好,生怕做错一点对方就不喜欢你,这不是爱,而是取悦;分手后觉得更爱对方,没他就活不下去,这也不是爱,是不甘心。 ? try to be good to a person, for fear of doing a little wrong each other will not like you, this is not love, but to please; After breaking up feel more love each other, he would not live, this is not love, is not willing to. 十六、愿你历尽千帆,知晓人间悲欢,亦能方寸不乱。 May you go through thousands of sails, know the joys and sorrows of the world, also can not be confused. |