一、没有人不辛苦,只是有人不喊疼。 No one is not hard, just some people do not cry pain. 二、人生就是要,得之坦然,失之淡然,余生顺其自然。 Life is to be calm, lose indifferent, the rest of life let nature take its course.
三、生命必须有裂缝,阳光才能照得进来。路上有坎坷,人才变得坚强起来。 Life must have cracks in it for sunlight to come in. People become stronger when the road is rough. 四、有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈,世人万千种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。 Some people live in high buildings, some people in the deep ditch, some people light ten zhangs, some people a rust, millions of people, floating clouds mo to seek, such as the rainbow, meet the above know.
五、老鼠从不认为自己吃的东西是偷来的,苍蝇从不觉得自己脏,蝙蝠也不知道自己有毒,思想不在一个高度,就没必要互相说服。 A mouse never thinks that it has stolen its food, a fly never thinks that it is dirty, a bat never knows that it is poisonous, and if its mind is not on the same level, there is no need to persuade each other. 六、我们都会遇到很多人,会告别很多人,会继续往前走,也许还会爱上那么几个人,弄丢那么几个人,关键在于,谁愿意为你停下脚步。 We will all meet a lot of people, will say goodbye to a lot of people, will move on, may fall in love with a few people, lost a few people, the key is, who is willing to stop for you.
七、小时候枕头上都是口水,长大后枕头上都是泪水;小时候,微笑是一种心情,长大后,微笑是一种表情。 When I was a child, my pillow was full of saliva. When I grew up, my pillow was full of tears. When I was young, smile was a kind of mood. When I grew up, smile was a kind of expression. 八、世界不完美,生活也就是难免有缺憾。有些人的一生,是直达车。有些人却是慢车,中间总要经过许多站,经历许多人。有人总是下错站,坐过头,不是错失了窗外的风景,就是错过了身旁的人。 The world is not perfect, life is inevitably imperfect. Some people's whole life, is a through train. Some are slow trains, with many stops and many people in between. Some people always get off the wrong station and sit over their heads. They either miss the scenery out of the window or miss the people beside them.
九、人到了一定年纪,就不再那么喜欢呼朋唤友了,不再喜欢讨好和小心翼翼,一切都顺其自然,更愿意重视那些主动联系自己的人,愿意陪伴那些心里真正有自己的人。 At a certain age, people no longer like to call friends, no longer like to curry favor and careful, everything goes with the flow, more willing to pay attention to those who take the initiative to contact themselves, willing to accompany those who really have their own hearts. 十、天道好轮回,苍天绕过谁,万般皆是命,半点不由人,好人错不了,坏人跑不了,这个世界,善恶有报,自有老天收。 The way of heaven good reincarnation, heaven around who, all are life, not the least from people, the good can not be wrong, the bad can not run, this world, good and evil will be repaid, its own heaven.
十一、这个世界上没有不带伤的人,无论什么时候,你都要相信,真正治愈自己的,只有自己。不去抱怨,尽量担待;不怕孤单,努力沉淀。 There is no one in the world without a wound, no matter what time, you have to believe, really heal yourself, only yourself. Don't complain, try to be lenient; Not afraid of loneliness, efforts to precipitation. 十二、“人的一生为什么要努力?有一句回答说得非常动人:”因为最痛苦的事,不是失败,是我本可以。“ ”Why should one work hard all one's life? “Because the most painful thing is not the failure but the fact that I could have. ”
十三、太斤斤计较的人,适合买菜,不适合谈恋爱。 People who are too fussy about every ounce are suitable for buying vegetables, but not for falling in love. 十四、前面是什么你根本一无所知,要做的就是走过去,接受降临到自己身上的一切。 You don't know what's ahead. All you have to do is walk over and accept what happens to you.
十五、给自己一些时间,原谅做过很多傻事的自己。接受自己,爱自己;过去的都会过去,该来的都在路上。 Give yourself some time to forgive yourself for doing a lot of stupid things. Accept and love yourself; The past will be the past, the coming is on the way. 十六、记得多读些书。不读书的日子,思想便会停止,久而久之,就要生锈。在别人的思想之下,建立自己的思想,有思想的人,才能懂得世间**。 Remember to read more books. If you don't read, your mind will stop. As time goes by, it will rust. Build your own thoughts under the thoughts of others. Only a thoughtful person can understand the true, the good and the beautiful in the world. |
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