一、爱别人要适可而止,爱自己要尽心尽力。 Love others in moderation, love yourself with all your might. 二、就算不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道,谁会爱上你的笑容。 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
三、祝你,历遍山河,依然觉得人生值得。敬我,往后余生。水远山长安适如常。 I wish you, through the mountains and rivers, still feel that life is worth it. To me for the rest of my life. The water far mountain grows as usual. 四、生活就像吹一朵蒲公英,你送出去的每颗种子都去了它该去的地方,因为地球是圆的,所以你的善意,付出的努力也终会回到你身上。 Life is like blowing a dandelion, every seed you send out goes where it should go, because the earth is round, so your kindness and effort will eventually come back to you.
五、努力成为一个更平和的人,不被情绪引导,哪怕世事浮躁。 Try to be a more peaceful person, not guided by emotions, even when things are fickle. 六、这一生只有两件事能报复你:一是努力不够的辜负,二是不好好照顾身体留下的后患。 There are only two things you can do in this life to get back at you: one is for not working hard enough, and the other is for not taking good care of your body.
七、使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙子。 What makes people tired is not the distant mountain, but a grain of sand in the shoe. 八、一个人,如果连自己的情绪都控制不了,即便给了整个世界,也早晚毁掉一切! If a person cannot control his own emotions, even if he gives the whole world, he will destroy everything sooner or later!
九、我们可以把时间浪费在自己喜欢的事情上,但不可以困在自己讨厌的生活方式里 。 We can waste our time on things we like, but we can't be stuck in a lifestyle we hate. 十、该工作的时候好好努力,该玩的时候就好好尽兴,遇到比自己优秀的人学会欣赏,看到落魄潦倒的也不鄙视,这就是所谓的“拎得清”,做人做事,这样的状态最好。 Work hard when the work, play when the good fun, better than their own people learn to appreciate, see down and out of the do not despise, this is the so-called “hold clear”, life, such a state of the best.
十一、你要不顾一切让自己变得漂亮,即使是在那些糟糕的日子里 。 You will do anything to look good, even on the bad days. 十二、现实告诉你,没钱连你最亲的人,都会瞧不起你;感情告诉你,不要以为你想的人,同样也会想你。 Reality tells you, no money even your closest people, will look down on you; Feelings tell you, don't think you think of the person, also will miss you.
十三、永远不要高估自己在别人心中的地位。其实,多你不多,少你不少。 Never overestimate your position in the hearts of others. In fact, more you not much, less you not much. 十四、上帝是公平的,无论你是富有还是贫穷,它赋予每个人的一天只有24小时,谁也不比谁多。自律者出众,不自律者出局。 God is fair, whether you are rich or poor, it gives everyone only 2四、 hours in a day, no more than anyone else. The self-disciplined are outstanding, the undisciplined are out.
十五、在最需要奋斗的年华里,你应该爱一个能带给你动力的人,而不是能让你筋疲力竭的人。 In your most struggling years, you should love someone who motivates you, not someone who exhausts you. 十六、据说人悲伤的极限是5天,当你决定不再在乎的时候,生活就好起来了,做好你自己,该吃吃,该睡睡,爱谁谁。 It is said that the limit of sorrow is 五、 days. When you decide that you don't care anymore, life is better. Be yourself, eat, sleep, love. |
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