一、年轻不胡作非为,到老了拿什么话说当年。 Young do not run amok, to the old take what to say that year. 二、以前觉得挣钱不重要,现在才知道星辰和大海都需要门票,诗和远方的路费都很贵。 I used to think that making money was not important, but now I know that stars and the sea need tickets, and poetry and travelling far away are very expensive.
三、一句忠告:礼物和爱都别伸手去要,主动给的是爱,伸手要来的是施舍! A word of advice: don't stretch out your hand to ask for gifts and love. If you give love, stretch out your hand to ask for charity. 四、没必要刻意遇见谁,也不急于拥有谁,更不勉强留住谁 。一切顺其自然,最好的自己留给最后的人。 There is no need to deliberately meet who, nor in a hurry to have who, more not reluctant to keep who. Let nature take its course and save the best for the last person.
五、眼睛,不应该用来为伤害你的人哭泣,而应该用来寻找那个正确的人。 Eyes, should not be used to cry for the person who hurt you, but should be used to find the right one. 六、人一旦堕落,哪怕是短暂的几年,上帝就会以最快的速度,收走你的天赋和力量。 Once you fall, even for a few short years, God will take away your talent and power as quickly as he can.
七、懂得尊重别人,也尊重自己的心声,这一生,最无法预见的,是遇见。 Know how to respect others, also respect their own aspirations, this life, the most unpredictable, is met. 八、生命没有输赢,只有值不值。任何事、任何经历,包括爱情、工作,不是得到,就是学到。 Life is not won or lost, it is only worth living. Anything, any experience, including love, work, is either to gain or to learn.
九、不要否定自己,未来会很明朗,好运就在路上。 Don't deny yourself, the future will be very clear, good luck on the road. 十、世上最好的缘,便是有个聊得来的伴,永远不嫌你的话多,不厌其烦且久处不厌,永远会陪在身边,念你冷暖,且懂你悲欢。 The best reason in the world is to have a chatting companion, never disrelish your words, never be tired of it and never get tired of it for a long time, will always accompany in the side, read your cold and warm, and know your joys and sorrows.
十一、不要在意不在意你的人,不要考虑不考虑你的人,不要担心不担心你的人,不要花时间给不会为你花时间的人。 Don't care about who doesn't care about you, don't think about who doesn't think about you, don't worry about who doesn't worry about you, and don't spend time with someone who won't spend it for you. 十二、总有一段难熬的日子,让你自我怀疑。不过当你再经历多一点,会发现,那只是生活的常态。 There will always be days when you doubt yourself. But when you experience it a little bit more, it's just a normal part of life.
十三、更好地面对生活,融入生活,随缘自在,喜悦清凉。 Better face life, into the life, with the ease, joy of cool. 十四、这个世界上有两种东西不敢直视,一是太阳,二是人心。 闭眼是王朝盛世,睁眼是地狱熔炉。生而为人,请务必善良。
There are two things in this world that dare not look directly at,
one is the sun,
and the other is the heart. Eyes closed is a dynasty,
eyes open is a furnace of hell. Be kind when you are born.
十五、每个人,都有自己的一个界限,超出内心的那个界限,就是伪善。 Everyone has his own limit, beyond the inner limit, that is hypocrisy. 十六、愿时光能缓,愿故人不散;愿你惦念的人能和你道晚安,愿你独闯的日子里不觉得孤单。 May the time be slow, may the old friends do not come loose; May the person you miss wish you good night, may you not feel lonely in the day alone. |
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