一、想要活的开心,就不要与傻瓜论长短,不跟傻瓜讲道理,不和三观不同的人争论是非。 If you want to live a happy life, don't talk length with fools, don't reason with fools, and don't argue with those who have different views. 二、越长大越明白一个道理,越是虚情假意越是表面热情,越是真情实意越是内敛深沉,无需言表。 The more grow up the more understand a truth, the more fake the more surface enthusiasm, the more sincere the more deep, without words.
三、长大了,总有那么一两次,你会为重视的人奔跑,因为是对的人,走路真的来不及。 When you grow up, there are always once or twice, you will run for the person you value, because it is the right person, it is really too late to walk. 四、成年人的世界,不存在永恒的靠山,你最强的靠山就是你的努力和独立。 In the adult world, there is no eternal backer. Your strongest backer is your efforts and independence.
五、誓言再美,也比不上一颗融入生命的心;承诺再多,也比不了一直心疼你的人。 Oath again beautiful, than a heart into the heart of life; Promise more, also not than have loved you. 六、稍微努力一点就什么都有了,可惜你懒啊,不自律还痴心。 A little bit of effort will have everything, but you lazy ah, not self-discipline is still infatuated.
七、不是所有人都喜欢你真实的样子,偶尔虚伪一下还是很有必要的,毕竟在当今这个社会,我们混得都不容易。 Not everyone likes you for who you really are, and it's important to be a little fake once in a while. After all, we don't get along so well in today's society. 八、生活本不苦,苦的是我们欲望过多;人心本无累,累的是放不下的太多。 Life is not bitter, bitter is our desire too much; The heart is not tired, tired is not put too much.
All the aesthetics of life are designed to resist one word: busyness.
十、爱情和友情都一样,等你足够强大,相应的圈子会主动来吸纳你,无需自作悲悯,更无须刻意讨好,你需要的是自我丰盈与精彩。 Love and friendship are the same, when you are strong enough, the corresponding circle will take the initiative to absorb you, no self-pity, no need to deliberately please, what you need is self-enrichment and wonderful.
十一、到了某个年纪,就不愿去讨好,和谁聊得来就多说几句,聊不来就离得远一点。 When you get to a certain age, you don't want to curry favor with anyone you can talk to. If you can't talk to them, you should stay away from them. 十二、余生,只想做个俗人,往事清零,不恨不怨,不争不斗,只要开心就好。 For the rest of my life, I just want to be a Philistine, clear of the past, do not hate, do not fight, as long as happy.
十三、靠自己,才能抵挡风雨,靠自己,才能解决难题,只有靠自己,才能说话硬气、做事霸气,才能鼓足勇气,不失骨气! Rely on yourself, can withstand the wind and rain, rely on yourself, can solve the problem, only rely on yourself, can speak tough, do domineering, can muster up courage, do not lose backbone! 十四、有些事,不是不在意,而是在意了又能怎样。人生没有如果,只有后果和结果。成熟,就是用微笑来面对一切小事。 Some things, not don't care, but care about how. Life is not if, only the consequences and results. Maturity is to face all the little things with a smile.
十五、可以允许自己适度徘徊和偶尔想念,但绝不可以再次回头奔向错误的路。 Allow yourself to linger and occasionally miss, but never go back to the wrong way again. 十六、永远不要去羡慕别人的生活,即使那个人看起来快乐富足。永远不要去评价别人是否幸福,即使那个人看起来孤独无助。幸福如人饮水,冷暖自知。你不是我,怎知我走过的路,心中的乐与苦。子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐? Never envy someone else's life, even if that person seems happy and prosperous. Never judge if someone is happy, even if that person seems lonely and helpless. Happiness is like drinking water, we know how warm and cold we are. You are not me, how do I know the road I have walked, heart joy and pain. If a child is not a fish, how can one know its pleasure? |
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