一、祝我们都能在鸡零狗碎里找到闪闪的快乐。 May we all find Winky's joy in the crumbs. 二、一个人最好的生活状态是,有自己的生活和情趣,努力完善自己。没人爱时专注自己,有人爱时,有能力拥抱彼此。 The best state of a person's life is to have their own life and interest, and strive to improve themselves. Focus on yourself when no one is loving, and have the ability to hug each other when loved.
三、退让带来的大多都是得寸进尺,别妄想能换来什么尊重和心疼。 Most of the concessions brought by the inch, don't expect to get what respect and love. 四、世间所有不尽人意之事,全靠硬扛。接受成长,也接受所有的不欢而散。 All the unsatisfactory things in the world, all rely on shoulder. Accept the growth, but also accept all the bad part.
五、活在这珍贵的人间,星辰闪烁,云朵温柔。 In this precious world the stars shine and the clouds are gentle. 六、别人怎么对你,你用相同的态度回应就行了,生而为人,谁都是第一次,没必要惯着谁。 You just have to respond with the same attitude to what others do to you. It is the first time for us to be human. There is no need to spoil anyone.
七、我会毫不犹豫奔向你,这次,下次,次次。 I won't hesitate to run to you, this time, next time. 八、生活的琐碎,吐出来矫情,咽下去辣嗓子。百般委屈涌上心头,话到嘴边又觉得不值一提。 The triviality of life, spit out melodramatic, swallow to go hot throat. All kinds of grievances welled up in my heart, words to the mouth feel unworthy of mention.
九、愿你今天拥有好运气,对一切充满感激,喜欢美好,也喜欢自己。 May you have good luck today, be grateful for everything, like beauty, and like yourself. 十、现在为难你的人和事,都是在逼你成长,并无任何恶意,你若争气,它们便不再与你过不去。 The things and people that make things difficult for you now are forcing you to grow. There is no malice in them. If you strive for success, they will no longer make things difficult for you.
十一、日子总是有意思的,了无生趣的是打不起精神的你。 Life is always interesting, boring is the spirit of you. 十二、孤独,是一个内心整合的过程,能让自己清醒的看世界,也能让自己理性的看自己。 Loneliness is a process of inner integration, which enables me to see the world clearly and see myself rationally.
十三、与其一同枯萎,不如坦然聚散,各自相安。 Rather than wither together, it is better to gather and scatter and be at peace with each other. 十四、人的一生,有两种遗憾最折磨人:一是得不到你心爱的人;二是心爱的人得不到幸福。 During the whole life, you will regret for two things: one is that you don't get the one you love; The other is that the one you love is not happy.
十五、世人慌慌张张,不过图碎银几两,偏偏这碎银几两,能解世间万种惆怅。 The world is in panic, but the picture of a few ounces of silver, but this few ounces of silver, can solve the world of various melancholy. 十六、祝你,时时有选择,路路有回转。 Wish you, always have choice, road road has turn. |
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