一、要是被命运抽巴掌,而你反抗不了的话,那就帮他数数拍子吧,兴许时间还能过得快一点。 If fate slaps you, and you can't resist it, count the beats. Maybe time will go faster. 二、到了一定年龄,便要学会寡言,每一句话都要有用,有重量。喜怒不形于色,大事淡然,有自己的底线。 When you reach a certain age, you should learn to be silent. Every word should be useful and weighty. No matter in color, indifferent to events, have their own bottom line.
三、别去想那些乱七八糟的破事了,满脑子都是赚钱不好吗?肤浅又快乐。 Don't think about all that crap. Is it bad to think about making money? Shallow and happy. 四、每个人都在愤世疾俗,每个人又都在同流合污。 Everyone is in the world of cynicism, everyone is in the corrupt.
五、有些人蜜语千篇却无疾而终,有些人相伴无言却共度百年。 Some people honey but never say a word, some people are silent but spend a hundred years. 六、大冬天的时候给你送吃的的是外卖小哥,逗你笑的是喜剧演员,无论天南地北都顺路来接你的是滴滴司机。所以余生,有钱就够了。 In the middle of winter, it was a delivery boy who delivered food to you, a comedian who made you laugh, and a Didi driver who picked you up wherever you went. So for the rest of my life, money is enough.
七、生活在阴沟里,也要记得仰望星空。 While living in the gutter, remember to look up at the stars. 八、纽扣第一颗就扣错了,可你扣到最后一颗才发现。有些事一开始就是错的,可只有到最后才不得不承认。 Button the first button on the wrong, but you button to the last only to find. Something is wrong in the beginning, but you have to admit it in the end.
May you live up to the time, do not miss the time, in ten miles of peach blossom, meet another new yourself. 十、时间最会骗人,但也能让你明白,这个世界没有什么不能失去的,离去的都是风景,留下的才是人生,走到最后的,就是对的人。 Time is the most deceptive, but it can also let you understand that there is nothing in the world that can't be lost, leaving is the scenery, leaving is life, come to the end, is the right person.
十一、我做事用不着所有人都点头,我活着就是让讨厌我的人越来越不爽。 I don't need everyone to nod my head. I live to annoy people who hate me more and more. 十二、这世界的大部分失落,都是因为我们没能成为更好的自己,却奢求着别人成为更好的别人。 Most of the loss of the world, is because we can not become a better yourself, but crave for someone else to become a better others.
十三、这个世界上没有好人和坏人,只有做了好事的人和做了坏事的人。 There are no good people and bad people in this world, only those who do good things and those who do bad things. 十四、敏感的人都特别懂事,只需稍微给点暗示,就能读懂背后的意思,所以从不会让别人感到为难,只会为难自己。 Sensitive people are very sensible, just give a little hint, can understand the meaning behind, so never let others feel embarrassed, only to embarrass themselves.
十五、小孩子才会问你为什么不理我了,是不是不喜欢我了,成年人都是默契的相互疏远。 Children will ask why you ignore me, whether don't like me, adults are tacit mutual alienation. 十六、生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,是一次又一次的遗忘和开始,可总有些事,一旦发生就留下印迹,总有人个,一旦来过就无法忘记。 Life is another encounter and departure, is again and again forgotten and the beginning, but there are always some things, once happened to leave a mark, there is always someone, once come can not forget. |