一、对生命而言,接纳才是最好的温柔,不论是接纳一个人的出现,还是,接纳一个人的从此不见。 For life, acceptance is the best gentle, whether it is to accept a person's appearance, or to accept a person from now on. 二、如果你是对的,你没必要发脾气;如果你是错的,你没资格去发脾气。这才是真正的智慧。 If you are right, you don't have to lose your temper; If you are wrong, you have no right to lose your temper. That is true wisdom.
三、人到一定年纪,都是带着点心事,带着点难言的痛,每天笑嘻嘻地活下去。 People to a certain age, are with a little worry, with a little unspeakable pain, every day to live happily. 四、最怕,深交后的陌生,认真后的痛苦,信任后的利用,温柔后的冷漠,若交往,请真诚,若离开,请彻底。 Fear the strangeness after deep acquaintance, the pain after serious, the use after trust, the indifference after gentle, if contact, please be sincere, if leave, please be thorough.
五、钱没有可以挣,不漂亮可以整,心眼坏真的没法治。 Money can not be earned, not beautiful can be whole, really bad heart no rule of law. 六、对所有的人以诚相待,同多数人和睦相处,和少数人常来常往,只跟一个亲密无间。 Be honest to all, at peace with the many, frequent with the few, intimate with only one.
七、人要学会适可而止,不要无休止的去强求那些不属于自己的东西。 People should learn to stop short, do not endlessly to force those who do not belong to their own things. 八、人的感情就像牙齿,掉了就没了,再装也是假的,掉了的东西就不要捡了,接受突如其来的失去,珍惜不期而遇的惊喜。 People's feelings are like teeth, fell out of it, and then installed is false, dropped things do not pick up, accept the sudden loss, cherish the unexpected surprise.
九、你不愿意种花,你说,我不愿看见它一点点凋落。是的,为了避免结束,你避免了一切开始。 You do not want to plant a flower, you say, I do not want to see it a little bit of decline. Yes, to avoid the end, you avoid the beginning. 十、愿你不用和人渣深交,也不用每天强颜欢笑,愿你喝醉了总有人靠,付出的都有回报,愿你不用卑微的像条狗。 May you not and scum deep friends, also need not force smile every day, may you get drunk always someone depends on, pay have a return, may you not humble like a dog.
十一、人不彻底绝望一次,就不会懂得什么是自己最不能割舍的,也不会明白真正的快乐是什么。 People do not completely despair once, will not know what is their most can not give up, will not understand what real happiness is. 十二、希望你遇上一个人,他知道你所有的缺点,知道你所有的小毛病,但还是愿意去了解你,拥抱你,这一定是最幸运的事了。 I hope you can meet a person, who knows all your flaws, knows all your little flaws, but is still willing to know you, hug you, this must be the most lucky thing.
十三、要好好赚钱,这样至少在没人陪你的时候,你可以去吃想吃的东西,去想去的地方。 Make money so that at least you can eat what you want and go where you want when no one is with you. 十四、年轻的时候,连多愁善感都要渲染的惊天动地。长大后却学会,越痛,越不动声色。越苦,越保持沉默。 When you are young, even sentimental to exaggerate the earth-shattering. Grow up to learn, the more pain, the more quietly. The more bitter, the more silent.
十五、人们总说,有总比没有好。事实是,不能彻底的拥有,患得患失比一无所有更难受。 It is always said that something is better than nothing. The truth is, not having it all, be swayed by considerations of gain and loss is worse than having nothing. 十六、祝你遇到那个人,让你看一眼就不再想要别的人。再不济的话,祝你遇到一个人,你兜兜转转一圈回来,发现最好的还是他,刚好他还在等你。 Wish you meet the person, let you see no longer want other people. If not, I wish you meet a person, you go around and come back, find the best or he, just he is still waiting for you. |
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