一、偶尔对自己好些,偷个小懒,抽点小疯,不算伤天害理。 Once in a while, better to yourself, steal a little lazy, a little crazy, not to hurt god. 二、要学会在不愉快的日子里,搜刮被生活藏起来的温柔。
to learn in the unhappy days,
the life is hidden by the gentle.
三、成长就是一个不动声色的过程,一个人熬过一些苦才能无所不能。 growth is a quiet process, a person through some bitter to omnipotent. 四、把期待变低,把依赖减少,渐渐地,你会过得越来越好。 lower expectations, reduce dependence, gradually, you will be better and better.
五、别太敏感,别太心软,过好自己,爱咋咋地。 don't be too sensitive, don't be too soft, too good, love how. 六、受委屈几乎是一个人成长最快的途径,吃下去的是委屈,消化掉后得到的是格局。 Being wronged is almost the fastest way for a person to grow up, eat is wronged, digested out is the pattern.
七、爱的时候不辜负人,玩的时候不辜负风景,睡觉时不辜负床,一个人时不辜负自己。 love when live up to people, play when live up to the scenery, sleep when live up to the bed, a person live up to their own. 八、做个俗人,不谈亏欠,不负遇见。做个俗人,不乱于心,不困于情。做个俗人,一身正气,浪荡自由。做个俗人,贪财好色,一世风流。 do a layman, do not talk about the debt, not meet. Be a Philistine, not confused in the heart, not trapped in the situation. To be a laity, a righteous, free - spirited. To be a vulgar, lust for money and lust for sex, I tasteful.
九、不可能天天都是好日子,有了不顺心的日子,好日子才会闪闪发光呀。 it is impossible every day is a good day, with a bad day, the good day will shine. 十、你必须给你自己安全感,如果钱能给你安全感,就努力去赚钱。如果被爱能给你安全感,那就努力变成一个值得被爱的人。 you must give yourself a sense of security, if money can give you a sense of security, work hard to make money. If being loved gives you a sense of security, try to become someone worthy of love.
十一、想得太多会毁了你。若无其事,才是最好的报复。何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,是为了自己。 Thinking too much will ruin you. Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge. Why not to prove what to the unworthy person, the life is better, is for oneself. 十二、努力做一个温暖的人,不求大富大贵,只求生活简单快乐。过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。 Strive to be a warm person, not big rich big expensive, just simple and happy life. No love in the past, no welcome in the future, now live up to, so safe.
十三、真正讨人喜欢的人只有两种,一种是无所不知的人,一种是一问三不知的人。 There are only two kinds of people who really like you, one is a know-it-all, and the other is a know-it-all. 十四、总有一段难熬的日子,让你自我怀疑。不过当你在经历多一点,会发现,那只是生活的常态。——魏思孝 There will be days when you doubt yourself. But when you experience it a little bit more, it's just a normal part of life. - Wei Sixiao
十五、水一旦流深,就会发不出声音。人的感情一旦深厚,也就会显得淡薄。——安妮宝贝 Once the water runs deep, it will not make a sound. Once people's feelings are deep, they will appear weak. -- Annie Baby 十六、没人告诉过我,很多人一辈子只能遇见一次,擦肩而过就是杳然一生。 No one ever told me that many people only meet once in their life, and never meet at all.
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