一、人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人,未必能陪你走到散场。 Life is like a dance, teach you the first steps of the people, may not be able to accompany you to end. 二、小时候,我以为生活就是:事事如意,年年有余。长大后,我发现生活就是:事事如意料之外,年年有余额不足。 When I was a kid, I thought life was all about everything coming your way. As I grew older, I realized that life was all about not having enough money every year when nothing was expected.
三、成年人深夜的心酸,没有第二天的早班重要。 Adult late night sad, not as important as the next day's morning shift. 四、是我的东西,我会好好收着,哪怕它是有瑕疵的;不是我的东西,我会毫不留恋地扔掉,哪怕它是干干净净的。 If it's mine, I'll keep it, even if it's defective; Not my thing, I will not hesitate to throw away, even if it is clean.
五、要长大,要可爱,但不要变成各种奇奇怪怪的不可爱的人。 Grow up and be lovely, but don't be all kinds of weird and unlovely people. 六、感性的人过不了柴米油盐,理性的人过不了风花雪月。愿你,一半烟火,一半诗意,过成自己喜欢的样子。 Emotional people can not live daily necessities, rational people can not live romantic life. Wish you, half fireworks, half poetry, to become their own like.
七、热爱可抵岁月漫长,温柔可挡艰难时光。 Love can keep the years long, gentleness can keep the hard times. 八、热情有限,胃疾多年,熬夜成瘾,偶尔失眠,爱而不得,得非所爱,你仍单身,却很自由。 Limited enthusiasm, years of stomach trouble, late night addiction, occasional insomnia, love but not love, you are still single, but free.
九、希望在你丧失表达欲的时候,能有人温柔的接住你的疲惫。 May someone gently catch you when you're tired of expressing yourself. 十、有没有一个人,你想见,却又见不到;有没有一个人,你想爱,却又不敢爱;有没有一个人,你想忘,却又不舍忘。 Is there a person, you want to see, but do not see; Is there a person, you want to love, but dare not love; There is no one, you want to forget, but do not give up forget.
十一、一定会有人爱我,用他俗气和热烈的爱让我知道我值得被爱,被肯定,值得世间所有的美好。 Someone will love me and let me know with his vulgar and passionate love that I am worthy of love, affirmation, and all the good in the world. 十二、做有用的事,说勇敢的话,想美好的事,睡安稳的觉。把时间用在进步上,而不是抱怨上。 Do what is useful, say what is brave, think what is beautiful, and sleep well. Spend time making progress, not complaining.
十三、暧昧让人受尽委屈,退一步不舍的,进一步没资格。 Ambiguous let a person suffer grievance, take a step back do not give up, further not qualified. 十四、爱你的人迁就你,不爱你的人改变你,爱你的人怕给你的不够,不爱你的人怕你要的太多。 Love you people accommodate you, don't love you people change you, love you people are afraid to give you enough, don't love you people are afraid you want too much.
十五、往后余生,爱恨清零,聚散随意。 In the rest of my life, love hate zero, gather loose at will. 十六、没有谁是因为一时冲动而离开你的,那些难过无助和一次次忍耐的眼泪,你都看不见,你看见的,只是它崩溃的那个瞬间。 No one because of impulse to leave you, those sad helpless and again and again endure the tears, you can not see, you see, it is only the moment of collapse. |
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