一、千万别想太多,人生就一次,撇开诱惑,过想要过的生活。 do not think too much, life is once, put aside temptation, live the life you want to live. 二、你不努力,你的孩子就得很努力!你不承担,你的家人就要替你承担!这不是鸡汤,这是现实! If you don't work hard, your child will have to work hard! If you don't take it, your family will take it for you! It's not chicken soup, it's reality!
三、尽管眼下十分艰难,可日后这段经历说不定就会开花结果。 As hard as it is now, the experience may bear fruit later. 四、跑步很累,数学很难,听课很困,作业很多,但熬过这些日子,就是前程似锦。 running very tired, math is difficult, very sleepy, homework a lot, but through these days, is a bright future.
五、人生没有捷径,但努力绝不会被辜负。愿你眼中有星辰,身边有海洋,心中有阳光! There is no shortcut in life, but efforts will never be let down. May you have stars in your eyes, oceans around you, and sunshine in your heart! 六、岁月从不会因为你的迟疑纠结而停滞不前,所以无论遇到什么事,冷静比抱怨更重要,淡定比焦灼更管用! the years will never because of your hesitation tangled and stagnant, so no matter what happens, calm is more important than complaining, calm is more effective than anxious!
七、每天愿意给自己“充电”的人,才能让自己的人生“亮”起来。 Only those who are willing to recharge their batteries every day can make their lives bright. 八、心有多远,你就能走多远,做一个温暖的人,浅浅笑,轻轻爱。 how far the heart, you can go far, do a warm person, shallow smile, gently love.
九、活在当下,别在怀念过去或者憧憬未来中浪费掉你现在的生活。 Live in the present. Don't waste your present by dwelling on the past or dwelling on the future. 十、人这一辈子,其实做不了几件事,所以想做的事就赶紧去做,并且尽量把它做到最好,这样才不会留下太多的遗憾和悔恨。 people in this life, in fact, can not do a few things, so want to do it at once, and try to do it best, so as not to leave too much regret and regret.
十一、平凡中走出的每一步,纵然路上永无抵达,依是美好。生活不求荣华富贵,有山有水,祥云飘绕,就是岁月静好! ordinary out of every step, even if the road never arrived, according to is beautiful. Life is not for glory and wealth, there are mountains and waters, auspicious clouds around, is the quiet years! 十二、人生如同一场旅程,有山穷水复的困顿,亦有柳暗花明的惊奇。每天都是不一样的风景,用心经历,好好珍惜! Life is like a journey, there are poor mountains and rivers to restore the difficulties, but also a bright surprise. Every day is different scenery, heart experience, cherish!
十三、生活从来都不会停止推你向前,保持专注,别因为后悔而放慢脚步。 Life never stops pushing you forward. Stay focused and don't slow down because of regrets. 十四、无论这个世界对你怎样,都请你一如既往的努力、勇敢、充满希望。 No matter how the world to you, please continue to work hard, brave, full of hope.
十五、这世上没有所谓的天才,也没有不劳而获的回报,你所看到的每个光鲜人物,其背后都付出了令人震惊的努力。 there is no so-called genius in the world, there is no unearned return, you see every bright figure, behind it have paid a shocking effort. 十六、当人生有了目标,当生活有了期盼,当你不再抱怨,当感恩成了习惯,原来一切都可以这样美好! When the life has a goal, when the life has looked forward to, when you no longer complain, when Thanksgiving became a habit, originally everything can be so beautiful! |
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