一、藏好软弱 ,世界大雨滂沱 ,万物苟且而活 ,无人会为你背负更多 。 hide good weak, the world rain torrential, all things survive, no one will carry more for you. 二、你的善良必须有点锋芒,懂得适可而止。你的善良必须保持理智,懂得明辨真伪。你的善良必须带上脑袋,懂得人分善恶。 your kindness must have a bit of edge, know where to stop. Your kindness must be sensible and know the difference between truth and falsehood. Your goodness must take on a head that knows the difference between good and evil.
三、要生活得漂亮,需要付出极大忍耐,一不抱怨,二不解释。 to live a beautiful life, it takes a lot of patience, one does not complain, two does not explain. 四、奋斗吧,就为了往后不必费尽心思的去取悦别人,也能过上自己想要的生活。 Strive to live the life you want without having to bother trying to please others.
五、纵有三千烦恼,不如拈花一笑,看淡就会心安,放下就会释怀! even if there are three thousand troubles, as nianhua a smile, see light will be at ease, put down will be relieved! 六、人生最重要的不是已经失去的, 也不是尚未得到的,而是此刻拥有的。不为往事扰,余生只愿笑。 The most important thing in life is not what is lost or has not been gained, but what is owned at the moment. Don't bother the past, the rest of my life only willing to smile.
七、你会被形形色色的人吸引, 可到最后 ,也只会贪恋一个普通人温暖的拥抱。 you will be attracted to all kinds of people, but in the end, will only love a warm embrace of ordinary people. 八、如果你赶不上凌晨五点的日出,你不妨看看傍晚六点的夕阳,其实 我的意思是 你可以选择后者。 If you can't catch the sunrise at 五、 a.m., you might as well watch the sunset at 六、 p.m., in fact, I mean you can choose the latter.
九、岁月不长也不短,因为你永远不知道意外与明天谁会先到来, 但是值得去努力,静待花开。 Time is neither long nor short, for you never know who will come first tomorrow or tomorrow, but it is worth the effort to wait for the flowers to bloom. 十、好多年来,我曾有过一个“良好”的愿望,我对每个人都好,也希望每个人都对我好。只望有誉,不能有毁。最近我恍然大悟,那根本是不可能的。—— 季羡林 many years, I had a “good” wish, I am good to everyone, also hope everyone is good to me. Look only for good reputation, not destruction. It dawned on me recently that it's simply not possible.
十一、记住了,你的善良要留给那些懂得感恩的人,而不是那种将你的善良接受的理所应当,且会欲求不满得寸进尺的人。 Remember that your kindness should be reserved for those who are grateful, not those who take it for granted and demand more. 十二、不自夸沧桑,也不外露锋芒,始终秉持生活的诗意。大地上有足够的山水,安顿人生。不如在生命的暗夜里,种下一片桃花源。 Do not boast the vicissitudes of life, also do not expose the edge, always uphold the poetry of life. There are enough mountains and rivers on the earth to settle life. It is better to plant a peach garden in the dark night of life.
十三、人生有限,性格不同,我们终究是会有选择和缺憾,却难说孰优孰劣。 life is limited, different personality, we will eventually have a choice and regret, but it is hard to say which is better. 十四、不同的人,有不同的眼界,不同的心,有不同的想法。不同的立场,有不同的需求,不同的位置,有不同的压力。 Different people have different visions, different hearts, and different ideas. Different positions, different needs, different positions, different pressures.
十五、世上有两样东西不可直视,一是太阳,二是人心。别去试探人心,它会让你失望,更会让你绝望。有些事知道就好,不必多说。有些人认识就好,不必深交。 There are two things in the world can not look directly, one is the sun, two is the heart. Don't try to tempt people; they will disappoint you and make you despair. Some things are good to know, not to mention. Some people just know each other, you don't need to know them. 十六、一个人最好的生活状态,是该看书时看书,该玩时尽情玩,看见优秀的人欣赏,看到落魄的人也不轻视,有自己的小生活和小情趣,不用去想改变世界,努力去活出自己。 a person's best state of life, is the time to read a book, the time to play, see the excellent people appreciate, see the down and out of people do not despise, have their own little life and small interest, do not have to want to change the world, try to live out their own. |
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