一、年少已过,轻狂不再;不惧过去,不畏将来。 young has passed, frivolous no longer; Never fear the past, never fear the future. 二、耽误你的不是运气和时机,而是你数不清的犹豫! delay you is not luck and timing, but you countless hesitation!
三、没人天生脾气好,对你好是因为你真的很重要。 No one is naturally good-natured, but treats you well because you really matter. 四、小时候知道,坚强的孩子没人疼;长大后才发现,没人疼的孩子要坚强。 childhood know, strong children do not hurt; After growing up, I found that no one loved the child to be strong.
五、此生三愿:家人平安,岁月静好,天真依然。 this life three wishes: family peace, years quiet good, innocent still. 六、不小了,请放下你的清高,收起你的自尊,脱去你的愚昧,穿上你的现实。 not small, please put down your high, put away your self-esteem, take off your ignorance, put on your reality.
七、多花时间进步,跳出你厌恶的圈子,摆脱你周围的(sha bi),这就是为什么努力的原因。 Take the time to improve, get out of the loop you hate, get rid of the stupid people around you, that's why you work hard. 八、尽管没人感激过你的善良,但你依然要选择做一个内心善良的人,选择做什么样的人,是为了自己,不是因为别人。你外表的善良,取决于你面对的那个人,你内心的善良,其实取决于你自己。 Although no one has appreciated your kindness, but you still have to choose to be a kind person, choose what kind of person, is for yourself, not because of others. Your outward kindness is determined by the person you face, your inner kindness is actually determined by yourself.
九、世上最美好的事是,我已经长大,你还未老;我有能力报答,你仍然健康。 the most beautiful thing in the world is, I have grown up, you are not old; I have the ability to repay you. You are still healthy. 十、我们在不同的年龄里,有着不同的烦恼,你读不懂我的愁,我体会不了你的苦。 we in different ages, have different troubles, you do not understand my sorrow, I can not experience your suffering.
十一、两个人最好的相处方式:对脾气、气场合,遇见你,三生有幸。 the best way to get along with two people: to temper, gas occasion, meet you, three lives lucky. 十二、人生四大悲剧:能力配不上梦想,收入配不上享用,容貌配不上矫情,见识配不上年龄。 the four tragedies of life: ability does not deserve to dream, income does not deserve to enjoy, appearance does not deserve to melodramatic, knowledge does not deserve to age.
十三、命运要你成长的时候,总会安排一些让你不顺心的人或事刺激你。 The destiny wants you to grow up, always arrange some people or things that make you unhappy to stimulate you. 十四、不要跟别人交心吐露太多,因为你迟早会发现自己会后悔的,讲真,交心这件事,很幼稚,我倒不是鼓励你变得复杂,我只是希望你能学会保护自己。 Don't confide too much with others, because you will find yourself regretful sooner or later, to tell the truth, confide in this matter, very naive, I do not encourage you to become complicated, I just hope you can learn to protect yourself.
十五、就因为太闲了,所以才有精力失眠,所以才有心思矫情。 because too free, so just have energy insomnia, so just have the mind melodramatic. 十六、每个人都一样,都有一段独行的日子,或长或短,这都是无可回避的。不必总觉得生命空空荡荡,放心吧,一时的孤独只是意味着你值得拥有更好的。 everyone is the same, have a solo days, or long or short, this is unavoidable. You don't have to feel empty all the time. Rest assured, a moment of loneliness just means you deserve something better. |