一、愿你有铠甲也有软肋,善良有原则,软弱有底线。 May you have armor and weakness, goodness and principle, weakness and bottom line. 二、愿你经历世事而不失少年意趣,仍能保持坚定与热爱,依然能够为世间那些真情而心动。 May you go through the world without losing your youth, may you still be firm and loving, may you still be touched by the true feelings of the world.
三、愿你成为一个简单、清澈、温暖而有力量的人,像星星一样努力发光。 May you become a simple, clear, warm and powerful person who shines like a star. 四、愿你有深夜的酒,也有清晨的吻和粥,愿你想念时可以拥抱,深爱时不必躲藏。 May you have wine in the night, kisses and porridge in the morning, may you hug when you miss and not hide when you love deeply.
五、愿你冬无愆阳,夏无伏阴,春无凄风,秋无苦雨,四季就是四季,生活即是梦想。 May you have no sun in winter, no shade in summer, no wind in spring, no rain in autumn, the four seasons are the four seasons, life is a dream. 六、愿有人分享你的喜怒哀乐,愿有人体会你的委屈心伤,愿有人为你不顾一切哪怕变了模样。 Wish someone to share your happiness, sorrow and happiness, wish someone to understand your grievance heart hurt, wish someone to risk everything for you even changed.
七、愿你成为自己喜欢的样子:不抱怨,不将就,有自由,有光芒。 May you become what you like: no complaint, no compromise, freedom, light. 八、愿你身畔有一人,始终能够为你挡住大风大雨,爱着你的脾气,爱着你的言辞,爱着你,就像深巷传来酒香,闻之既醉,饮之酣甜。 I wish you a man by your side, always able to shield you from the wind and rain, loving your temper, loving your words, loving you, just like the fragrance of wine coming from a deep lane, smelling the drunkness and drinking the sweetness.
九、愿你的意中人亦是中意你之人。 May the right person be the right person for you. 十、愿有人陪你历经春夏秋冬,愿有人陪你度过风霜雨雪,愿有人陪你从心动到古稀。 Wish someone to accompany you through spring, summer, autumn and winter, wish someone to accompany you through the wind, rain and snow, wish someone to accompany you from heart to the beginning of the new century.
十一、愿有人待你如初,疼你入骨,从此深情不被辜负。 Be willing to treat you as before, pain you into the bone, from now on deep feeling not to live up to. 十二、愿你三冬暖,愿你春不寒。愿你天黑有灯,下雨有伞。愿你路上有良人相伴,愿你独闯的日子不孤单。 Wish you three winter warm, wish you spring not cold. May you have a lamp in the dark and an umbrella in the rain. May your beloved accompany you on the road, may you run alone day not alone.
十三、愿你有前进一寸的勇气,亦有后退一尺的从容。 May you have the courage to advance an inch, but also to retreat a foot calmly. 十四、愿你贪吃不胖,愿你懒惰不丑,愿你深情不被辜负,愿你傻人傻福,愿你一直幸运。 May you be greedy and not fat, may you lazy and not ugly, may you deep feeling not live up to, may you silly person silly blessing, may you have been lucky.
十五、愿你所爱之人正好也爱你,愿你所想之人正好在你身旁。 May the one you love also love you. May the one you think of be right beside you. 十六、愿你温和而有力量,明亮而不刺眼;愿你拥抱心中所爱风雨同行;愿你一生温良,不舍爱与自由。 May you be gentle but strong, bright but not dazzling; May you embrace the wind and rain love; May you live a gentle life, never give up love and freedom. |
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