一、爱情这东西像极了**,即使你倾尽所有,也可能换来一无所有。 love this thing like gambling, even if you spend all, may also have nothing. 二、没有结局的故事太多,你要习惯相遇与离别。岁月会记得,你温柔赤诚的心。 there is no ending of the story too much, you have to get used to meet and leave. Years will remember, your tender and sincere heart.
三、请不要让你的人生,输给了心情。心情不是人生的全部,却能左右人生的全部。 please do not let your life, lost to the mood. The mood is not all of life, but can control all of life. 四、该结束的感情,就让它结束吧,你难受猜疑睡不着吃不下,折磨的是自己。 the end of the feelings, let it end, you uncomfortable suspicion can not sleep can not eat, torture is their own. 五、你怎么能在拥有爱情的同时又拒绝受伤呢?别忘了,丘比特射出的是箭,而不是玫瑰。 How can you have love and refuse to get hurt? Don't forget, Cupid shot the arrow, not the rose.
六、这个世界上能令我一次次沉沦的人,无非就是那个治愈了我,却又反手使我病得最重的人。 this world can make me sink again and again, is nothing more than the person who cured me, but I was the most sick person backhand. 七、哪有什么错过的人,会离开的都是路人。 What have missed the people, will leave are passers-by. 八、明知道你的签名写的不是为我,而我却自欺欺人的对号入座。 know your signature is not written for me, and I am self-deceiving right.
九、我去翻他的过往,并不是嫉妒,我只是难过,有一种深情,他从未给过我。 I go through his past, is not jealous, I just sad, there is a kind of deep feeling, he never gave me. 十、后来才发现不是我配不上你,是你配不上我的深情和专一。 later only to find that I don't deserve you, is that you don't deserve my deep feeling and specificity. 十一、从前总说:海底月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。后来懂得,海底月捞不起,心上人不可及。 Once upon a time, always said: the sea is the month, the present person is sweetheart. Later I learned that the bottom of the sea can not be retrieved, sweetheart can not reach.
十二、有没有人像我一样,有时候,心里装满了好多不愉快想找个人倾诉,翻来覆去,才发现,身边竟然没那么一个人。 there is no one like me, sometimes, the heart is full of a lot of unhappy want to find someone to talk, over and over, only to find that there is no one around. 十三、原以为,你只是还不会去爱人,原来,你只是不会去爱我。 The original thought, you just won't go to love, originally, you just won't love me.
十四、这个世界上有多少真心话,最后变成了笑话,又有多少玩笑话,成了无法说出口的真心话! How much truth in the world, finally became a joke, and how many jokes, became an unspeakable truth! 十五、世界真的很小,好像一转身,就不知道会遇见谁;世界真的很大,好像一转身,就不知道谁会消失。 The world is so small, it's like when you turn around, you don't know who you will meet. The world is really big, like a turn around, don't know who will disappear. 十六、时间会把最正确的人带到你的身边,在此之前,你所要做的,是好好的照顾自己。 Time will bring the most correct person to your side, before this, what you have to do is to take good care of yourself.
十七、后来我习惯了一个人的生活,习惯了不再表露难过,习惯了不再把心事诉说,也习惯了你不再爱我。 Later I got used to a person's life, used to no longer show sad, used to no longer tell the heart, also used to you no longer love me. 十八、遇见的都是天意,拥有的都是幸运,可是我从来没有得到过上天的眷顾,也没有得到过一丝丝好运。 meet is providence, have is lucky, but I have never been blessed with, have not been a trace of good luck. 十九、曾经以为,伤心是会流很多眼泪的;原来真正的伤心,是流不出一滴眼泪。——张小娴 Once thought, sad is will shed a lot of tears; The original real sad, is not shed a drop of tears. - however
二十、茶凉了,就别再续了,再续也不是原来的味道了;人走了,就别再留了,再留下也不是原来的感觉了。 the tea is cool, don't continue, continue is not the original taste; People go, don't stay, stay again is not the original feeling. 二十一、走不通的路就回头,爱而不得的人就放手,得不到的热情就适可而止,别把一厢情愿当成满腔孤勇,也别把厌烦当成欲擒故纵。 go back to the road, but not love people to let go, can not get the enthusiasm is enough, don't put wishful thinking as a lone brave, also don't put tired as playing hard to get. |
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