一、开始的时候,你怎样任性,他都可以包容,可到后来,你连脾气都不敢有了。 at the beginning, how you willful, he can tolerate, but later, you even temper all dare not have. 二、分叉的头发就剪了吧,不能在一起就算了吧。你没有错,是我这个人不适合被长期喜欢吧。 the hair of bifurcate cut, cannot calculate together. You are not wrong, I am not fit to be liked in the long run.
三、我们总是像智者一样去劝慰别人,却像傻子一样去折磨自己,很多时候,跟自己过不去的是自己。 we always like a wise man to comfort others, but like a fool to torture themselves, a lot of times, with their own difficult is their own. 四、我不知道自己一直都在执着些什么?但我知道,我一直都在为难自己。 I do not know what I have been persistent? But I know, I've been trying to embarrass myself.
五、人和人真是说不清的劫数,你为了一个人辗转反侧夜不能寐,那个人又为了别人神魂颠倒食不知味。 and people are really indescribable, you toss and turn for a person can not sleep at night, that person and for others infatuated food do not know taste. 六、最心凉的事情莫过于,我还在痛苦里挣扎徘徊,你却迫不及待的撇清关系,干干净净的消失在我的世界里。 the most heart cool thing than, I still struggle in pain wandering, but you can not wait to separate relations, clean disappeared in my world. 七、你走了就别回头不要管我多难受,不要问我过得好不好,不好你帮不了,好也不是你的功劳。 you go don't look back don't care how uncomfortable I am, don't ask me how well, not good you can't help, good is not your credit.
八、失去了缘分的人,即使在同一个城市里也不太容易碰到。有时候,一次转身,就意味着一辈子。 lost the fate of the people, even in the same city is not easy to meet. Sometimes, a turn around, means a lifetime. 九、爱一个人比等一个人更容易,等一个人比爱一个人要有意义,如果你选择爱自己,其实是你自己不堪一击。 Love a person is easier than a person, such as a person than a person to love a meaningful, if you choose to love yourself, in fact, is your own vulnerable. 十、事实证明,感情经得起风雨,却经不起平淡;友情经得起平淡,却经不起风雨。 Facts have proved that feelings can withstand wind and rain, but can not afford to dull; Friendship can stand the dull, but can not withstand the wind and rain.
十一、其实真正杀死我的,从来都不是离开那一刻的狠话,而是平静下来的某一刻,我突然想到与你有关的零碎,那是凌迟。 In fact, really kill me, never leave that moment of malicious words, but calm down a moment, I suddenly think of you and bits and pieces, that is ling Chi. 十二、谁都会有一段不懂事的过去,谁都会有一段流泪的爱情,有些人不会忘,由于不舍得,有些人必须忘,因为不值得。 who will have a naive past, who will have a period of tears of love, some people will not forget, because not willing to, some people must forget, because it is not worth. 十三、世上最痛彻心扉的爱,不是相爱不能相守,而是有爱难言,爱到极致处却不能说出口。 the world's most painful love, not love can not be together, but there is love, love to the extreme but can not say.
十四、其实有时候不是对方的错,只是大家都抱着“他都不理我,我为什么要主动先理他”的心态,慢慢的疏远了彼此。 In fact, sometimes it is not each other's fault, but we all hold the “he ignores me, why should I take the initiative to pay attention to him” mentality, slowly alienated each other. 十五、如果不能在一起,就不要给对方任何希望任何暗示,这才是最大的担当;分开了,不去打搅让对方安然生活,这才是最后的温柔。 if you can't be together, don't give each other any hope of any hint, this is the greatest responsibility; Separate, do not bother to let each other live peacefully, this is the last gentle. 十六、如今的绝情是你教的,曾经的专一是你毁的。 Now the unfeeling is what you teach, once the exclusive is you destroy.
十七、我成不了你喜怒哀乐的理由,也不能名正言顺的进入你的生活,更做不了你的未来,你给的心酸我已经攒的差不多了,我撤了,你保重。 I can not become your reasons for happiness and sorrow, can not legitimately enter your life, more can not do your future, you give me sad I have saved about the same, I withdraw, you take care. 十八、长大后我才知道,你不是北京,我也不是西雅图,没有你娶我的那天,我们之间也没有未来,但,我爱你,就算知道没有结果,我也爱你。 I grew up to know that you are not Beijing, I am not Seattle, no you marry me that day, there is no future between us, but, I love you, even know no result, I love you.
十九、我们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。 We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. 二十、曾经我以为,真心对人,也可以换来别人真心对待。拼了命地不让身边的人难过,却发现,受伤的原来是我自己。经历了一些事,才知道自己真的好傻。 Once I thought, really to people, can also be exchanged for other people really treat. Desperate not to let the people around sad, but found that the original injury is my own. Experienced some things, just know oneself really good silly.
二十一、如果有一天,你找不到我了,千万不要难过,不是我不爱你了,也不是你错过我了,而是我终于有了勇气离开,但请你记得,在这之前,我真的有傻傻的等过。 if one day, you can't find me, don't be sad, not I do not love you, not you miss me, but I finally have the courage to leave, but please remember, before this, I really have silly wait. |
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