一、总要等到过了很久,总要等退无可退,才知道我们曾亲手舍弃的东西,在后来的日子里,再也遇不到了。 Always have to wait a long time, always have to wait for no retreat, only to know that we have personally abandoned the things, in the later days, never meet again. 二、你喜欢谁谁就喜欢你这种事,电视剧都不敢这么演。 You like who likes you this kind of thing, the TV drama dare not do so.
三、难过的时候,就把自己当成另一个人,当初怎么安慰别人,现在就怎么安慰自己。 When you are sad, put yourself as another person, how to comfort others, now how to comfort yourself. 四、放心,我要放过你了,我的小心翼翼,我的蛮横娇气,以后都不会给你了。 Rest assured, I want to let you go, my caution, my perverseness, the future will not give you.
五、人生没什么好迷茫的,走的随意一点,潇洒一点,反正终点都是定好的,又不用怕迷路。 Nothing in life is so confused, go at will, chic a bit, anyway, the end is fixed, and don't be afraid of getting lost. 六、失恋是口深井,每次探头下去,都能看见一直弥漫到井口的哀伤记忆,张牙舞爪着,想拉你下去,跌入心酸的深渊。 Brokenhearted is a deep well, every time I look down, I can see the sad memory has been filled to the mouth of the well, bared teeth and claws, want to pull you down, fell into the abyss of sadness.
七、热情给错了人,就显得自己特别廉价,也很自作多情。 Enthusiasm to the wrong person, it appears to be particularly cheap, but also very self-love. 八、你是孤独的未亡人,四海为家,生性多疑。我是路边的可怜人,无依无靠,遭人唾弃。 You are a lonely survivor, a wanderer, a skeptic. I am a poor man b
九、我心痛你,疼到忽略自己;我相信你,信到怀疑自己。 I heartache you, pain to ignore their own; I believe in you. I believe in myself. 十、分手后不可仪做朋友,因为彼此伤害过,不可以做敌人,因为彼此深爱过,所以我们变成了最熟悉的陌生人。 After breaking up, we can't be friends, because we have hurt each other, we can't be enemies, because we loved each other, so we become the most familiar strangers.
十一、无可救药的喜欢着一个不喜欢你的人,不是情深,是蠢。 Hopelessly in love with a person who doesn't like you, not in love, but in stupidity. 十二、成年人的告别仪式很简单。我没有回你最后一条信息,你也很默契地没有再发,就这样消失在彼此的生活里,好像从没认识过一样。 The adult farewell ceremony is simple. I did not answer your last message, you also very tacit understanding did not send again, so disappeared in each other's life, as if never knew.
十三、很多事都介于“不说憋屈”和“说了矫情”之间。 A lot of things fall somewhere between “not talking about being miserable” and “talking about melodramatic.” 十四、我知道,你以后会遇见让你求而不得百爪挠心的人,而我的身边也可能有了别人。只是希望,我陪你走过的路,你千万不要忘。
I know that in the future,
you will meet to let you ask and not a hundred claws at the heart of the person,
and My side may also have someone else. Just hope,
I accompany you through the road,
you must not forget.
十五、这社会,只要你长得丑,你就输了百分之八十。 In this society, as long as you look ugly, you lose 80 percent. 十六、我记得我以前挺嚣张的,后来遇见一个人磨平了我的棱角,我以为他是来救我的,结果他差点要了我半条命。 I remember I used to be arrogant, and then I met a guy who smoothed my edges, and I thought he was coming to save me, and he almost killed me. |
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