一、总有一场雨,让你猝不及防,狼狈不堪。总有一个人,让你不知所措,遍体鳞伤。 There is always a rain, let you be caught off guard, embarrassed. There is always a person, let you do not know what to do, black and blue. 二、感情没有先来后到,明明是我先遇见你,你却把你的温柔耐心,全部给了后来的人。 Feelings do not come first, obviously I met you first, but you put your gentle patience, all to the later people.
三、落魄的时候遇到心爱的人,是一场劫难。 When down and out to meet the beloved person, is a disaster. 四、所有的玩笑里,都藏着认真的话,而那些看似没有听懂的回应,大概就是再委婉不过的拒绝。 In all jokes, there are serious words, and those that seem not to understand the response, is probably the most tactful rejection.
五、从此抽烟喝酒,闭口不谈天长地久,从此聊猫逗狗,再也不说曾经拥有。 From now on, I smoke and drink, don't talk about forever and ever, from now on, I talk about cats and dogs, never say once had. 六、我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经,从无知到成熟,从冲动到沉静,感谢你,曾赠我一场空欢喜。 I love you, love a whole once, from ignorance to maturity, from impulse to silence, thank you, once gave me an empty joy.
七、没有什么是永远,也没有什么会很久。随便找个借口,谁都可以先走。 Nothing is forever, and nothing lasts long. Anyone can go first with any excuse. 八、有时候觉得世界很小,不想见的人逛个超市都能碰见。有时候又觉得世界很大,想见的人却真的没有再见。 Sometimes think the world is small, do not want to see the people go to the supermarket can meet. Sometimes feel that the world is big, to see the person really did not see goodbye.
九、我一直在赌,赌你会喜欢我,赌你会想我,赌你会来找我。最后,我输了。 I've been betting that you'll like me, that you'll miss me, that you'll come to me. In the end, I lost. 十、你说无论我变成什么样子,你都不会离开,于是我摘下了面具,看到了落荒而逃的你。 You said that no matter what I become, you will not leave, so I took off the mask, saw you defeated and fled.
十一、自作多情就像打喷嚏,明明是鼻子在作怪,却骗自己说他在想你。 Self-love is like sneezing, obviously is the nose in the cause, but deceive yourself that he is thinking of you. 十二、我的不开心,我的难受,我都尽量留给了自己,我也从不指望任何人心疼我,为我扛下所有。 My unhappy, my suffering, I try to keep to myself, I never expect anyone to love me, for me to carry all.
十三、不要轻易把伤口揭开给别人看,因为别人看的是热闹,而痛的却是自己。 Do not easily open the wound to others, because others see is lively, and the pain is their own. 十四、记住,只要是因为你开的玩笑,导致别人生气了,你就应该反省道歉,而不是质疑别人为什么这么敏感。 Remember, as long as someone is angry because of your joke, you should reflect and apologize instead of questioning why the other person is so sensitive.
十五、如今,你已佳人在怀,我却形单影只。 Now that you're in my arms, I'm all alone. 十六、我们遗憾的并不是错过了最好的人,而是遇到了最好的人,却把最好的自己用完了。 What we regret is not that we have missed the best person, but that we have used up the best ourselves after meeting the best person. |
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