一、多少黑名单,曾经互道晚安;多少特别,后来形同陌路;多少隐身可见,最终互相亏欠。 How many blacklists have said good night to each other; More or less special, then become strangers; How many invisible visible, ultimately owe each other. 二、伤口不管有多重,总有痊愈的一天。但遗憾不一样,它会跟随你直到生命终结。 No matter how many wounds, there is always a day to heal. But regret is different, it will follow you to the end of life.
三、有时候我真想忘了你,只记得这个世界,然而,我常常忘了整个世界,只记得你。 Sometimes I really want to forget you, only remember the world, however, I often forget the whole world, only remember you. 四、人有时候也是可怜,喜欢的人得不到,得到的不珍惜,在一起的怀疑,失去的怀念,怀念的想相见,相见的恨晚,终其一生,都满是遗憾。 People are sometimes poor, like the people can not get, get don't cherish, together with doubt, lost miss, miss want to meet, meet hate night, the whole life, are full of regret.
五、太斤斤计较的人,适合买菜,不适合谈恋爱。 People who are too fussy about every ounce are suitable for buying vegetables, but not for falling in love. 六、人总是把最好的东西糟蹋以后,才开始感慨人生若只如初见,希望你能明白,覆水难收,别回头。 People always put the best things wasted, then start feeling life if only as first, I hope you can understand, what's done can't be undone, don't look back.
七、我庆幸遇见了你,却遗憾只是遇见你。 I'm glad I met you, but I'm sorry I just met you. 八、吹过街口凌晨的冷风,喝过桌上低八度的冰啤酒,握不住的人坐在对面,终究还是要走。 The cold wind blowing through the street in the early hours of the morning, drinking the cold beer of a low octave on the table, people who can't hold sit opposite, still want to go after all.
九、别当烂好人,因为总有人把你的忍让与迁就当成软弱无能来践踏。 Don't be a bad guy, because there will always be people who treat your tolerance and tolerance as weakness to trample. 十、年轻时,你做了一个决定,要把自己的生命献给爱情,后来你没死,年轻替你抵了命。 When you were young, you made a decision to give your life to love, and when you didn't die, youth took your place.
十一、你就像一座横在我前面的高山,可你永远不给我迈过去的机会。 You are like a mountain in front of me, but you will never give me a chance to cross it. 十二、举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。 If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.
十三、喝着孤独的酒,吹着自由的风,等一个没有归期的人,在余生里做着只有自己的梦。 Drinking the wine of loneliness, blowing the wind of freedom, waiting for a person who has no return period, in the rest of his life to do only his own dream. 十四、越来越任性是由于爱得太深。越来越沉默是由于伤得太痛。越来越礼貌是由于失望透顶。 More and more capricious is due to too much love. More and more silence is due to hurt too much pain. The growing civility was due to disappointment.
十五、我们曾经那么好,现在却连声问候,都怕是打扰。 We used to be so good, but now even greetings, even afraid to disturb. 十六、在你曾经爱过我的那些短暂岁月里,我或许是世界上最幸福的人,只是那些日子已成过去,要留也留不住。 In those short years when you loved me, I was probably the happiest person in the world. But those days are over and I can't stay. |
- 让人落泪的悲伤句子,句句戳心,看完泪奔!
- 让人忍不住流泪的句子,简短虐心,看一次哭一次!
- 心累感慨的句子,深情扎心,看完想哭!
- 深夜里的伤感说说,句句直戳心窝,让人瞬间落泪!
- 分手后的伤感说说带图,句句糟心,看了好想哭!
- 对爱绝望的句子,简短扎心,边看边哭
- 内心深处的伤痛句子,简短扎心,催人泪下!
- 唯美伤感的爱情语录,献给多愁善感的自己
- 读完让人流泪的伤感短句,迷茫无助,句句揪心
- 孤独成伤的句子,伤感彻骨,看了好想哭!
- 让对方心疼的话语,唯美虐心,看一次哭一次!
- 深夜一个人委屈到哭的句子,让人读到心碎!
- 伤感落寞的下雨天说说,唯美虐心,让人边看边哭!
- 一个人心寒扎心的说说,伤感深情,看了想哭!
- 身心疲惫的心情句子,伤感深情,看哭无数人!
- 心酸无奈难过的说说,句句窝心,总有一句让你泣不成声!