一、比起人我还是喜欢手机,起码手机会告诉你电量不足,但人却总是一声不吭的走掉。 I still prefer mobile phones to people, at least the phone will tell you that the battery is low, but people always walk away without saying a word. 二、难过的是当你遇上一个特别的人,却明白永远不可能在一起,或迟或早,你都不得不放弃。 The sad thing is that when you meet someone special, but realize that it will never be together, sooner or later, you have to give up.
三、有时候,嘴上说的,跟心里想的压根不是同一回事。其实,我很需要你,只是,不敢打扰你。 Sometimes, what you say is not the same thing as what you think. In fact, I need you very much, just, dare not disturb you. 四、很多时候,沉默并非是无话可说,而是一言难尽。——独木舟 many times, silence is not nothing to say, but a long story to tell. - the canoe 五、后来,每次想到年幼的自己都觉得很可笑,想什么不好,偏偏想要快点长大。 later, every time I think of young oneself feel very funny, think what is not good, just want to grow up quickly.
六、错的人就是错的人从来不会因为你能忍或者能多熬点时间就变成对的人——《解忧杂货店》 the wrong person is the wrong person never just because you can endure or can endure a little more time to become the right person. 七、当你奇怪,他为什么对你忽冷忽热的时候,他可能正在为另一个人赴汤蹈火。 When you wonder why he is hot and cold to you, he may be going through fire and water for another person. 八、就这样吧,我不希望以一个不堪的、疯了一样的泼妇形象留在最后,我记得我来的时候,挺可爱的。 just like that, I don't want to be a bad, crazy bitch left at the end, I remember when I came, pretty cute.
九、我们都像小孩,胡闹是因为依赖,礼貌是因为陌生,生气是因为在乎,不联系是因为怕自己是多余。 we are like a child, tomfoolery because of dependence, politeness is strange, angry because of care, do not contact because afraid of their own is redundant. 十、成长最痛的一课是,那个你从未设防的人,朝你开了最猛的一枪。 the growth of the most painful lesson is that you have never defended the people, to you opened the most fierce one shot.
十一、再喜欢也不要旧情复燃,旧情复燃的结果就是重蹈覆辙,自作多情的下场就是自取其辱。 again like also don't old love, old love rekindle the result is to repeat past mistakes, the fate of flatter is to take its insult. 十二、我以为要相爱的两个人分手,至少要有一件轰轰烈烈的大事。比如说第三者,比如说绝症,但其实不用,不安、忙碌、疲乏,就够了。 I think to love two people to break up, at least there must be a great event. Like a third party, like a terminal illness, but not really, restless, busy, tired, that's enough.
十三、这世上最憋屈的,是越爱越远的人,和越等越大的雨。 The world's most oppressed, is the more love the more far away, and the more and more rain. 十四、如果百感委屈仍不能求全,如果呼喊了千万遍依然得不到回应。那么聪明的你应知道,是该走的时候了。 If a hundred grievances still can not be completed, if the cry for ten million times still can not be answered. Then you would be wise to know that it is time to go.
十五、有的人把心都掏给你了,你却假装没看见,因为你不喜欢。有的人把你的心都掏了,你还假装不疼,因为你爱。 Some people put their hearts out to you, but you pretend not to see, because you don't like. Some people put your heart out, you still pretend not to hurt, because you love. 十六、我们的故事,以我打扰开始,以我多余结束。 our story, with me to disturb the beginning, with my redundant end. 十七、每个人心底最柔软的地方,都深藏着一个人,那个曾经情到深处,却终究没得到的人。 everyone's heart of the most soft place, are hidden deep in a person, the once feeling to the depths, but ultimately did not get the person.
十八、小时候不懂,以为爱了就一定要在一起,后来慢慢的开始明白,不是所有的事都会有结果。依然爱,只是没有非要在一起的必要了。 when I was a child do not understand that love must be together, and then slowly began to understand that not all things will have a result. Still love, but there is no need to be together. 十九、二十几岁的年纪,好像什么都来得及,又好像什么都无能为力。 twenty years of age, as if everything is in time, but also as if nothing can be done. 二十、有心的人,不管你在与不在,都会惦念。无心的情,无论你好与不好,只是漠然。走过一段路,总能有一次领悟。经历一些事,才能看清一些人。 A person with a heart, whether you are in or not, will miss. No matter how good or bad you are, just indifferent. Walk a long way, there is always a realization. Experience some things, to see some people.
You do not know,
my mood has been around you. Sometimes,
avoiding is to make yourself less disappointed. Not talking to you doesn't mean I don't miss you,
trying to distance myself from you because I know I can't have you.
二十二、你可知上天是不公平的。你可以选择爱我,或者不爱我;而我却只能选择爱你,或者更爱你。 You know the heaven is not fair. You can choose to love me or not; But I can only choose to love you, or love you more.
二十三、在后来的日子里,你的名字成了我最不能提起的过往。你有了新的生活,而我也有了新的朋友圈,曾经这么紧紧相依的我们,谁能想到变成了毫不相干的两个人。 In the days that followed, your name became the last thing I could mention. You have a new life, and I also have a new circle of friends, once so close to each other, who can think of becoming two people who have nothing to do with each other. 二十四、仔细想想,你带给我的都是些什么呢?是因为一点小事就大动干戈的争吵,是前所未有的委屈,是不肯包容一味指责,是不曾给过我的温柔呵护,是一次次的失望和心酸,是折磨,是长大。 Think carefully, what are you bringing me? It is an unprecedented grievance, is not willing to tolerate blindly blame, is not to give me gentle care, is again and again disappointed and sad, is torture, is growing up. |
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