一、你多学一样本事,就少说一句求人的话。我始终相信一句话:只有自己足够强大,才不会被别人践踏。 The more you learn, the less you ask. I always believe a word: only their own strong enough, will not be trampled on by others. 二、车子有油、手机有电、卡里有钱!这就是安全感!指望别人都是扯淡!再牛逼的副驾驶,都不如自己紧握方向盘。 The car has the gas, the cell phone has the electricity, the card has money! This is security! Expecting others is bullshit! Then niubi co-pilot, are better than their own grip on the steering wheel.
三、生活一定是把压轴的好运留给了你,现在才会让你经历这么糟糕的日子。 Life must have left you with the grand finale of good luck to put you through such a bad day now.
Make the circle smaller, make the language cleaner, make the grades higher, take the story to heart, what you want now will have in the future.
五、姑娘,你要努力,你想要的,只能你自己给。别人给的,你要问问自己,拿得起么。 Girl, you have to work hard, you want, you can only give. Others give, you have to ask yourself, can take it. 六、你要是真像那些拼了命努力的人一样努力,你就明白努力本身就是一件非常人所能做到的事。 If you work as hard as someone who works his or her ass off, you know that hard work itself is something very human.
七、你若想要得到,就别只是期望。人生短暂,经不起等待。 If you want something, don't wish for it. Life is too short to wait. 八、不管前方有多少险滩、暗礁、荆棘、陷阱,你只要找准正确的道路,就能顺利走向前方。 No matter how many rapids, reefs, thorns, traps ahead, as long as you find the right path, you can smoothly toward the front.
九、你要坚信,所有现在越不过去的坎,将来总有一天会当成笑话说出来。 You have to believe that all the past now, one day will be as a joke out. 十、每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有伤悲,人总有一段时间要学会自己长大。你总要度过生存期,才能谈生活和梦想。 Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, people always have a period of time to learn to grow up. You have to live through it before you can talk about life and dreams.
十一、逼着你往前走的,不是前方梦想的微弱光芒,而是身后现实的万丈深渊! What forces you to go forward is not the faint light of the dream ahead, but the abyss of reality behind you! 十二、生活就像过山车,有低谷就会有高峰,如果你觉得累,那一定是因为在前进,你正在经历着黎明前的黑暗,熬过去,天就亮了。 Life is like a roller coaster, where there are low points, there are high points. If you feel tired, it must be because you are moving on. You are experiencing the darkness before the dawn.
十三、人活得累,一是太认真,二是太想要。然而,凡是你想控制的,其实都控制了你。 People live tired, one is too serious, two is too want. However, whatever you want to control, actually controls you. 十四、如果你不努力,一年后的你还是原来的你,只是老了一岁;如果你不去改变,今天的你还是一年前的你,生活还会是一成不变。 If you don't work hard, you will still be the same one year later, only one year older; If you don't change, you're the same person today as you were a year ago, and your life will never change.
十五、活在当下,别在怀念过去或者憧憬未来中浪费掉你现在的生活。 Live in the present. Don't waste your present by dwelling on the past or dwelling on the future. 十六、耐心点、坚强点,总有一天,你承受过的疼痛会有助于你,生活从来不会刻意亏欠谁,它给了你一块阴影,必会在不远地方撒下阳光。 Be patient and be strong. One day, the pain you've endured will help you. Life never deliberately owes anyone a debt. |
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