1、别把难过挂在脸上,那样会显得很没有出息。 Don't hang your sadness on your face, it will look very fruitless. 2、旧情人给的问候,比陌生人还要尴尬。 The greetings given by an old lover are more embarrassing than those given by strangers. 3、不是幸福太短,是我们对疼痛太过敏感。 Not that happiness is too short, but that we are too sensitive to pain. 4、别对我忽冷忽热,这样你累,我也反胃。 Don't turn cold and hot to me, so you're tired and I have nausea. 5、我是怪人,听歌会流泪,想起谁会不入睡。 I'm a weirdo. I cry when I listen to the song. I think of who won't fall asleep. 6、有人天生带着伤口,有人天生是别人的伤口。 Some people are born with wounds, others are born with other people's wounds. 7、希望你说的再见,不是代表着再也不见。 I hope you say goodbye, not that you will never see again. 8、如果能重来,我们能不能一开始就相爱。 If we can come back, can we love each other from the beginning? 9、太美的回忆像副手铐,越是挣脱越缠绕。 Too beautiful memories like assistant handcuffs, the more free the more entangled. 10、青春是抹浅浅的痕,我有为谁把伤痕割深? Youth is a shallow scar, for whom do I cut it deep? 11、我不想用离开的方式,教你如何珍惜。 I don't want to teach you how to cherish it by leaving. 12、你从不揣摩我的心思,却责怪我善变难懂。 You never read my mind, but blame me me for being fickle and difficult to understand. 13、你陪着我的时候,我从没羡慕过任何人。 When you were with me, I never envied anyone. 14、人之所以痛苦,在于追求了错误的东西。 The reason why people suffer is that they pursue the wrong things. 15、最终我记得了你的名字,却忘了你的样子。 Eventually I remember your name, but I forget how you look. 16、多少时候,因为得不到,所以假装不想要。 How often do you pretend you don't want it because you can't get it? 17、一句我等你,不知道需要多大的勇气。 I don't know how much courage it takes to wait for you. 18、我喜欢了你七年,换来了你一句我有病。 I like you for seven years, in exchange for a sentence that I am sick. 19、再回到那地方,已没有那时那种感觉。 Back there, there was no feeling like that. 20、你是一场盛大的梦,梦醒了我能怪谁。 You are a grand dream. Who can I blame when I wake up? 21、这年头猪都涨价,凭什么你不能涨价? In recent years, pigs have risen in price. Why can't you raise prices? 22、一份简单的爱情,日出而作,日落而息。 A simple love, sunrise and sunset. 23、世界上最短的咒语,是一个人的名字。 The shortest mantra in the world is a person's name. 24、你说走就走,从不顾及我的任何感受! You say go and go, never mind any of my feelings! 25、不要等谁来爱,人一定要学会首先爱自己。 Don't wait for someone to love you, you must learn to love yourself first. 26、留不住你给我的爱,我的伤心都叫做活该。 I can't keep the love you gave me. My sadness is deserved. 27、等待,也许并不容易;伤害,却轻而易举。 Waiting may not be easy; hurting is easy. 28、我好像,永远也等不到你主动找我了。 I never seem to be able to wait for you to come to me on your own initiative. 29、每个人都有一段悲伤。想隐藏却欲盖弥彰。 Everyone has a period of sadness. Want to hide but want to cover up. 30、我足够坚强,并不代表所有的伤我都能扛。 Just because I'm strong enough doesn't mean I can carry all the injuries. 31、毕竟你身边太拥挤,而我又不是你唯一。 After all, you are too crowded, and I'm not the only one. 32、人们总说来日方长,却忘了世事无常。 People always say that the future is long, but they forget that things are changeable. 33、你的过去我无法参与,你的将来我奉陪到底。 I can't participate in your past, I will accompany you to the end in your future. 34、因为年轻,所以没有选择,只有试试。 Because I am young, I have no choice but to try. 35、在暧昧中徘徊,让我带着一身伤回来。 Wandering in ambiguity, let me come back with a wound. 36、你是我的东南西北,胜过一切苍山泱水。 You are my southeast and northwest, better than all Cangshan Pangshui. 37、我们之间仅隔一步,而我却不能迈向你。 There's only one step between us, but I can't go to you. 38、我终究不是你的太阳,给不了你想要的光芒。 I'm not your sun after all. I can't give you the light you want. 39、不再计较对错,因为什么都不重要了。 No longer care about right or wrong, because nothing matters. 40、我不联系你,我们之间就真的没联系了。 If I don't contact you, we really don't. 41、你说陪我走到剧终,却只陪我走到剧中。 You said to accompany me to the end of the play, but only accompany me to the play. 42、流落的红尘,是爱用泪水刻写下的伤痕。 The fleeing red dust is the scar carved by love with tears. 43、其实,单身挺好,和谁暧昧都不需要解释。 In fact, being single is good, and no ambiguity with anyone needs to be explained. 44、美的温存在指间缠绕,心脏还在加速跳跃。 Beauty's temperature exists between fingers, and the heart is still accelerating. 45、闭上眼你最挂念谁,睁开眼身边竟是谁。 Close your eyes. Who do you miss most? Open your eyes and who is beside you? 46、有时候觉得自己好累,真想一了了之。 Sometimes I feel so tired, I really want to think about it. 47、缓慢而小心地接近你,一定因为相互怜惜。 Approaching you slowly and carefully must be due to mutual pity. 48、不主动就会失去,但主动多了真的好累。 If you don't take the initiative, you will lose it. But if you take the initiative, you will be tired. 49、不知何时,你的心里已被别人全部占据了。 I don't know when your heart has been occupied by others. 50、如果心痛是爱你的代价,那么我笑纳。 If heartache is the price of love, then I laugh. 51、爱你是寂寞的旅行,等待是孤独的修行。 Love you is a lonely journey, waiting is a lonely practice. 52、一个不经意,你的笑容就成了我的整个世界。 A casual, your smile becomes my whole world. 53、微笑就像创可贴,掩饰了伤口,痛还在。 Smiling is like a Band-Aid. It hides the wound and the pain is still there. 54、他说爱你的时候是无心之过,别轻易感动。 He said that when he loved you, he had no intention, so don't be moved easily. 55、常常在回忆里挣扎,有很多过去无法释怀。 Often struggling in the memory, there are many past can not be relieved. 56、誓言变成了谎言,我的心被你撕成了碎片。 The oath becomes a lie, and my heart is torn to pieces by you. 57、我的执着,永远得不到你的一次心疼。 My persistence, you will never get a heartache. 58、如果你知道去哪,全世界都会为你让路。 If you know where to go, the whole world will make way for you. 59、你在那里,我在这里,只是怀念,不再相见。 You are there, I am here, just miss, no longer meet. 60、我不得不与你擦肩而过,但我的心从未远离。 I have to brush past you, but my heart is never far away. 61、我累到走路都跳机器舞,吃面都抽搐。 I was so tired that I danced with machines and twitched at noodles. 62、或许你从不曾需要我,就像我从不曾拥有你。 Maybe you never need me, just like I never had you. 63、一个人只要不再想要,就什么都可以放下。 A person can put down everything as long as he no longer wants it. 64、现实与信念的冲撞让我们的青春遍体鳞伤。 The collision of reality and belief has bruised our youth. 65、哪有人喜欢孤单,不过是受够了失望。 Anyone who likes to be alone is just fed up with disappointment. 66、也许你给我的感动,只不过是情绪上的波动。 Perhaps what you touched me was just emotional fluctuations. 67、世界上没有冷男,只是他暖的不是你。 There is no cold man in the world, but he is not warm you. 68、不知不觉遇到了你,能倾倒这一生的幸福。 Unconsciously met you, can dump the happiness of this life. 69、别自以为是,你在我眼里什么都不是。 Don't be self-righteous. You are nothing to me. 70、每次心境不好都想出去旅游,我想去大草原! Every time I'm in a bad mood, I want to travel. I want to go to the prairie! 71、睫毛下的伤城。路过了谁的风景?谁的心? The wounded city under the eyelashes. Whose scenery has passed by? Whose heart? 72、无法拒绝的是开始,无法抗拒的是结束。 What cannot be refused is the beginning, and what cannot be resisted is the end. 73、你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。 Your happy is well-established, my distressed is no place to hide. 74、最怕在用了真心之后,得到的是背叛。 Most afraid of using sincerity, get betrayal. 75、后来熬夜成瘾,终于习惯了没有人关心。 Later, I became addicted to staying up late, and finally got used to the fact that nobody cared. 76、沉默了太久,却找不到一个伤心的理由。 Silence for too long, but can not find a sad reason. 77、我抱着回忆走过四季,却等不到心的归期。 I went through the four seasons with memories, but I couldn't wait for my return. 78、回忆不是一个人变老的标志,反复回忆才是。 Memory is not a sign of a person's aging, but repeated memories. 79、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命曾经。 I miss not you, but the fatal past you gave me. |
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