我们要一次又一次经受住打击,又要一次又一次满血复活。下面为小编整理的写给2021年的自己说说英文。 1、再不努力,生活就不只是眼前的苟且,还有未来的苟且。 if we don't work hard, our life will not be just the present, but also the future. 2、一朵花的凋零荒芜不了整个春天,一次挫折也荒废不了整个人生。 a flower's withering and desolation can't make the whole spring, and a setback can't make the whole life desolate. 3、竹根即使被埋在地下无人得见,也决然不会停止探索而力争冒出新笋。 even if the bamboo root is buried in the ground and no one can see it, it will definitely not stop exploring and strive to produce new shoots. 4、人生的上半场打不好没关系,还有下半场,只要努力。 it doesn't matter if you don't play well in the first half of your life, and in the second half, just work hard. 5、不要为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。 don't worry about the vague future, just try to be clear about the present. 6、忘不掉的就记住吧,留不住的长发就剪掉吧! remember what you can't forget, and cut off the long hair you can't keep! 7、人生如戏,什么角色演是什么戏;不怕别人看不起,就怕自己不争气。 life is like a play, which role is what play; not afraid of others despise, afraid of their own failure. 8、失败并不可怕,可怕的是你还相信这句话。 failure is not terrible. what's terrible is that you still believe that. 9、与其埋怨世界,不如改变自己。管好自己的心,做好自己的事,比什么都强。 better change yourself than complain about the world. it's better to manage your heart and do your own business than anything else. 10、世上的人遍地都是,说得着的人千里难寻。 people are everywhere in the world, and those who can speak are hard to find. 11、如果你是一匹千里马,那么请做自己的伯乐。 if you are a horse, please be your own bole. 12、相信自己拥有无限的潜力,只要你有一刻渴望成長,它就会支撑你开花结。 believe that you have unlimited potential, as long as you have a moment of desire to grow, it will support you to blossom. 13、天下作伪是最苦恼的事情,老老实实是最愉快的事情。 it's the most distressing thing to cheat in the world. it's the most pleasant thing to be honest. 14、人生中屡次的失败是成功的根基,而屡次的成功是失败的前兆。 repeated failures in life are the foundation of success, and repeated success is the precursor of failure. 15、生活不会惯着你,想要不被抛弃,必须自己争气! life will not get used to you. if you want not to be abandoned, you must strive for your own strength! |
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