1、I wish you a happy New Year! 2、眼福口福,天天都有。 3、祝你新春,吉祥美满! 4、I wish you a prosperous New Year! 5、祝春节快乐,福寿安康! 6、Good luck comes, good luck to you! 7、On New Years Eve, happy and happy! 8、Good eyes and good mouth, every day. 9、愿你幸福安康,万事顺心。 10、愿你快乐除夕,幸福一生! 11、愿你阖家欢乐,好运连连! 12、祝你除夕快乐,幸福年年! 13、顺祝事业旺,发展不停顿。 14、I wish you happiness and good health. 15、Wish you all happiness and good luck! 16、Happiness comes from fortune to health. 17、触摸春风,倾听牛年的呼唤。 18、圈个括号锁定你,新年聚财气。 19、愿你牛年心飞扬,万事皆顺畅! 20、新年事事安好,时时心情美妙。 21、祝你开开心心,来年再创佳绩! 22、祝你牛年大吉,一年福星高照! 23、祝您新年福满天,幸福阖家欢! 24、送祝福,送吉祥,幸福来拥抱。 25、I wish you good luck in the year of the ox! 26、Welcome a year of good luck, happy reunion. 27、Tie a red ribbon, bring a prosperous career. 28、Wish you all the best in the year of the ox! 29、晴天雨天阴天,愿您开心每一天。 30、爱心真心关心,只愿您天天顺心。 31、除夕愉快,恭喜发财,鸿运到来! 32、Happy New Years Eve, Congratulations, fortune! 33、I wish you all the best in the year of the ox! 34、好梦久,友情深,祝你2021更向前! 35、I wish you a happy new year and a happy family! 36、Wish you a happy New Years Eve and a happy life! 37、吉祥如意身旁绕,爱情事业皆欢笑。 38、喜气洋洋访亲友,笑语盈盈情意久。 39、天地一派幸福景,愿友春节好心情。 40、愿幸福挥之不去,让机遇只争朝夕。 41、新年之夜守岁时,幸福快乐长相守! 42、新年来临访访友,愿你开心无烦忧。 43、牛年送你福满多,和家幸福好运来。 44、牛年送你红绵袄,身上暖暖心里暖。 45、祝你新年快乐无边,温馨甜蜜满满! 46、祝你牛年好运总聚头,幸福无尽头! 47、祝福声声暖心脾,情系你我万年长。 48、祝福朋友新年好,牛年吉祥行大运。 49、福星高照运来到,福寿安康吉祥送! 50、系个红飘带,带来红红火火的事业。 51、财源到,福运到,健康平安幸福好。 52、贴幅红对联,贴上平平安安的祈愿。 53、迎来一年好运气,开心团圆过大年。 54、送祝福,不停歇,情意满怀暖你心。 55、除夕之夜守岁时,幸福快乐长相守! 56、Love sincerely care, only wish you happy every day. 57、春节到了,愿你事事顺心,快乐常在! 58、燃一桶灿烂的烟花,绽放快乐的梦想。 59、牛年到了,愿你事业有成,大吉大利。 60、祝你开心幸福,万事吉祥,春节快乐! 61、祝你春节快乐,红红火火,万事吉祥! 62、祝你阖家欢乐,万事如意,除夕快乐! 63、祝福你在红火火的新年里,财源滚滚! 64、除夕到来之际,敬祝合家安康事事顺! 65、Wish you a happy new year and a good year of the ox. 66、Good dream, deep friendship, I wish you 2021 forward! 67、May happiness linger and opportunities seize the day. 68、Send blessing, send auspicious, happiness to embrace. 69、May you be happy and carefree when the new year comes. 70、吉祥的云朵飘向你,幸福的潮水浸泡你。 71、At the time of the new year, I wish you a happy family. 72、I wish you a happy New Years Eve, wealth and good luck! 73、I wish you happiness, good luck, happy Spring Festival! 74、On the arrival of new years Eve, I wish you all the best! 75、I wish you a happy New Years Eve and happiness every year! 76、I wish you a prosperous business, a happy Spring Festival! 77、Send blessing, never stop, warm your heart with affection. 78、I wish you a happy Spring Festival, red fire, and good luck! 79、Everything is well in the new year and always in a good mood. 80、I wish you a happy family, all the best, happy New Years Eve! 81、I wish you a happy Spring Festival, good health and longevity! 82、Sunny days, rainy days, cloudy days, wish you happy every day. 83、按捺住内心的激动,祝你除夕快乐,富贵吉祥! 84、祝你生意红红火火,日子甜甜蜜蜜,春节快乐! 85、Burning a bucket of brilliant fireworks, blooming a happy dream. 86、Circle brackets to lock you in and gather wealth in the new year. 87、Auspicious clouds floating to you, the tide of happiness soak you. 88、Happy to visit relatives and friends, smile, love for a long time. 89、In this warm spring and blooming days, I wish you a better career. 90、Shunzhus business is prosperous and its development will not stop. 91、祝你春节快乐,心想事成,鸿运当头,万事如意! 92、祝你除夕快乐,心想事成,鸿运当头,万事如意! 93、Paste a piece of red couplet, paste the wish of peace and security. 94、I wish you a happy heart and make another success in the coming year! 95、Spring Festival is coming, I wish you all the best, happiness always! 96、Touch the spring breeze and listen to the call of the year of the ox. 97、时值新年,祝您和顺门第增百福,合家欢乐纳千祥。 98、幸福在倒数,牛年要来到,吉祥钟声里,除夕多热闹。 99、新年到,送你一副红对联,贴在家门前,吉祥常来到。 100、许心愿,送祝福,愿君春节快乐伴,年年有余福相随! 101、Good luck and good luck are around us, and love and career are all laughing. 102、The year of the ox is coming. Wish you success in your career and good luck. 103、Blessing sound warm heart and spleen, love you and me ten thousand years old. 104、Heaven and earth a happy scene, I wish you a good mood in the Spring Festival. 105、在这春暖花开,群芳吐艳的日子里,祝你的事业更上一层。 106、我的祝福早早送上,祝你除夕快乐,合家团圆,新年吉祥! 107、新年到了,愿你的生活洒满永恒的甜蜜,创造灿烂的奇迹。 108、I wish you a happy New Years Eve, family reunion and good luck in the new year! 109、愿新的一年,继续与你携手,仍有阳光满路,依旧温暖如初。 110、I wish you a happy New Years Eve, everything you want, good luck and all the best! 111、I wish you a happy Spring Festival, everything you want, good luck and all the best! 112、The year of the ox will bring you a lot of good fortune and happiness to your family. 113、The year of the ox gives you a red woolen coat, warm on the body and warm in the heart. 114、Wish, send blessing, wish you a happy Spring Festival, every year with more than happiness! 115、New year, send you a pair of red couplets, paste in front of your home, auspicious often come. 116、May the new year, continue to hand in hand with you, there is still sunshine, still warm as before. 117、The new year is coming. May your life be filled with eternal sweetness and create brilliant miracles. 118、Happiness in the countdown, the year of the ox is coming, auspicious bells, new years Eve more lively. |
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