Time would heal almost all wounds . If your wounds have not been healed up , please wait for a short while. 时间几乎会愈合所有伤口,如果你的伤口还没有愈合,请给时间一点时间。下面是为小编为大家整理的心灵鸡汤经典语录励志短句英文希望大家喜欢。 1、Never, never, never, never give up. 永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。 2、Zero in your target,and go for it. 从零开始bai,勇往直前! 3、From small beginnings comes great things伟大始于渺小。 4、Be sure to have confidence. You are a landscape, there is no need to look up in other people's scenery.请一定要有自信。你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。 5、the shortest answer is doing.最简单的回答就是干。 6、thank you for your smile, once panic over my time.谢谢你的微笑,曾经慌乱过我的年华。 7、learn to use high heels to fight you are the real queen.学会用高跟鞋打架 你才是真正的女王 8、dream three years, three years of pain.三年梦,三年痛。 9、when i am not near the girl i love, i love the girl i near.得不到我爱的人,我不一定会再等。 10、There is only one me in this world. 在这个世界上,我是独一无二的 11、Do business, but be not a slave to it.要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。 12、You are the only one, you are very unique, you are the first in your life.你是唯一的,你是非常独特的,你就是你生命中的第一名。 13、i know that my future is not just a dream. 我知道我的未来不是梦。 14、When it has is lost, brave to give up. 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。 15、A man can play a joke, but he can't play a joke on his future.一个人什么都可以开玩笑,但不可以和自己的未来开玩笑。 |
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