心给出去的时候,就该知道,不可能毫发无损的拿回来。下面为小编整理的微信朋友圈说说心情英文。 1、很高兴与你相遇,但你也已经走出我的生命里。 it's nice to meet you, but you've come out of my life. 2、这个世界很残酷的,想要什么东西就自己争取。 the world is very cruel. you can fight for whatever you want. 3、父母尚在苟且,你却在炫耀诗和远方。 parents are still living, but you are showing off poetry and distance. 4、我要成为更好的人,可以因为你,但不是为了你。 i want to be a better person, because of you, but not for you. 5、我的世界不需要太多的过客,来了你就常驻如何? my world doesn't need too many passers-by. how about staying here when you come? 6、不管亲情友情还是爱情,能与时间对抗的才是真情。 no matter family, friendship or love, it is true love that can fight against time. 7、我的个性是源于我是谁,而我的态度则取决于你是谁。 my personality comes from who i am, and my attitude depends on who you are. 8、你以为的极限,弄不好只是别人的起点。 you think the limit is only the starting point for others. 9、日久不一定生情,但必定见人心,时间会说出真话。 for a long time, you may not be in love, but you must see people's hearts, and time will tell the truth. 10、只有亲眼看了,亲手触摸,才会明白这就是现实。 only when you see it with your own eyes and touch it with your own hands can you understand that this is the reality. 11、生活磨砺了人生,这一路走来,学会了接受。 life has honed life. along the way, we have learned to accept. 12、你让我下不了台,我让你连上台的机会都没有。 you let me down, i let you not even the opportunity to go on stage. 13、看我不顺眼,你可以装瞎,也可以自杀。 you can pretend to be blind or commit suicide. 14、感情总不会是平行,是一种散射和期待。 feelings are not always parallel, but a kind of scattering and expectation. 15、不要感觉孤单,这只不过是成长的代价罢了。 don't feel lonely. it's just the price of growth. |
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