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Ignorance often has a simple appearance, and barbarism often has a brave disguise. From the historical perspective, barbarism is the inevitable stage for people to escape from ignorance, which is a kind of progress compared with ignorance. However, barbarism is not willing to conform to civilization, and it will return to alliance with ignorance, and fight against civilization together: the opponent with simple appearance and the opponent with brave appearance, the former is ignorant to impossible The latter is strong to unreasonable. What#39;s more, these opponents are likely to mix with the existing achievements of civilization, and even sneak into people#39;s hearts, so that when we look for them, we often find our own parents, hometown and history. --Yu Qiuyu
Everyone has an angel who has been guarding him / her all the time. If the angel thinks that your life is too sad and your mood is too sad, he will incarnate into someone around you, maybe your friend, maybe your lover, maybe your parents, maybe the stranger you just met, these people quietly appear in your life , spend a happy time with you, and then he will leave quietly. So your life has a happy memory, even if your road is covered with snow, but you can still remember the once happy things, you can still be brave. --Guo Jingming
Courage comes from struggle. Courage is formed in the stubborn resistance to difficulties every day. The motto of our youth is to be brave, tenacious and firm, to remove all obstacles. --Ostrovsky
If you don#39;t have a choice, be brave. Lincoln
Only a kind-hearted person can be easily influenced by morality. Anyone who has not received the kind education, has not felt the joy of doing good to others, does not feel that he is a strong and brave defender of the real and beautiful things, and he cannot become a collective like-minded person. --Sukhomlinsky
I think it#39;s also a kind of bravery and sentiment, and it#39;s very noble. --Li Bingbing
More valuable than his own life is the ideal, which can make people brave and fearless. --Sukhomlinsky
Indifferent people, thank you for once despised me, let me not bow, more brave life! --Bajing
Forgetting is our unchangeable destiny. All things are like misaligned drawings. If we can#39;t go back to the past, we should forget something that is a little bit wrong. I#39;ve been brave for too long and decided to live for you alone. --Guo Jingming
I have my own understanding of it. Of course, Haiyan doesn#39;t necessarily recognize it. I didn#39;t ask Haiyan. I haven#39;t seen many myths and stories. Just like journey to the west, a person has experienced the difficulties of ninety-nine and eighty-one. In the process of becoming a Buddha, all the difficulties and pains are all problems to be solved, not to enjoy becoming a Buddha. Why can we call it yuguanyin? The heroine can be called peace of mind? She has always been in the world and suffered as soon as the story happened. What the director may want to convey is that when people suffer, they always face the hardships with a brave and positive attitude, and finally show their strength. -- Zhao Wei
To acquire knowledge in study and courage in battle. Proverb
The pursuit of science requires special courage. --Galileo
Bravery comes from struggle. Bravery is gradually formed in the tenacious struggle against difficulties. Our young people#39;s motto is to be brave, tenacious and firm, to overcome difficulties and obstacles --Ostrovsky
He has a spark of genius! You know what that means? That is brave and open mind, broad vision He planted a tree, he has seen the results of thousands of years, has been looking forward to human happiness. This kind of person is rare. Love this kind of person if you want to. --Chekhov
Young people can first turn China into a sound China: speak boldly, carry on bravely, forget all the interests, and push the ancients to publish their true words. -- Lu Xun
A man is a brave man when he is faced with the right things, when he is at the right time and feels confident under the corresponding conditions. --Aristotle
Love can make the weak brave. Proverb
Only a kind-hearted person can be easily influenced by morality. No one who has not received a kind education or felt the joy of doing good to others can feel that he is a strong and brave defender of real and beautiful things, and he cannot be a collective -- Sukhomlinski
Without ideal, we can#39;t achieve our goal; without courage, we can#39;t get something. --Belinsky
A brave and frank soul can look at with its own eyes, love with its own heart, and judge with its own reason; not to be a shadow, but to be a man. --Roman Rowland
The strange wind from somewhere made my sails vibrate ceaselessly: that#39;s how my heart was stirred. It felt sweet and a little frightened. Blow gently, let me sail bravely in my river. With your help, don#39;t blow my mast off violently, which makes me lose my way in the waves. --He Qifang

There is no one in the world who can achieve success without ardent and courageous pursuit. --Napoleon
If betrayal is a kind of courage, it needs a greater courage to accept it. The former only needs to be brave enough, or just impulsive, while the latter tests the degree of tolerance, which is not as simple as impulsive, only time is needed. --Who#39;s the youngest
The most glorious day in one#39;s life is not the day of success, but the day of challenge and bravery to the will from lament and despair. --Flaubert
All my fans support me in silence. If I keep silent now, I will disappear in silence. You should stand up bravely to cheer me on. -- Landy Wen
A truly great, proud and brave nation would rather face any difficulty of war than gain humble prosperity at the expense of its national dignity. --Roosevelt
When we face a person who is afraid, a thing of fear, a state of mind that makes people uneasy, the only attitude to overcome these feelings is to face it, face it bravely, rather than escape, let alone lock ourselves up. -- Sanmao
When the timid wisdom is still hesitating, the brave ignorance has already acted. --Saul Bellow
The bravest man is the one who is afraid of his wife. Lincoln
Courage and belief in victory often bring the battle to a successful end. --Engels
Science is the best way to make people brave. --Bruno
The tools they used to show off their bravery and courage, that is to say, the soldiers, are actually the most memorable and memorable people. --Feng Xiaogang
There are two ways to get rid of the worries in your life: first, face up to them bravely. You can ask yourself, 'what is the worst possible consequence of this? 'Second, replace concerns with action plans. --Wang Guozhen
Brave men risk their lives, not their conscience -- France
No matter what, you should still be calm and happy. Life is like this, we must also treat life, to be brave and smiling - no matter what. --Rosa Luxemburg
It is true that gold is precious, but a vibrant and brave patriot is more precious than gold. Lincoln
Courage in battle, wisdom in anger, and friends in poverty. -- Iran
The more books you read, the stronger and braver your spirit will be. --Gorky
After leaving a relationship, it#39;s better to go forward bravely than to go back desperately. --Zhang Xiaoxian
Anyone who has not received the kind education, has not felt the joy of doing good to others, does not feel that he is a strong and brave defender of the real and beautiful things, and he cannot become a collective like-minded person. --Sukhomlinsky
Love a person is to say it bravely, I will always love you! --Please tell my mother that I#39;ve wanted to say that for a long time. Anonymity
Science is the best way to be brave. --Bruno
For what they deserve, such people are brave. --Tolstoy
No matter how unstable life is, the children in a loving family are still full of self-confidence and sympathy -- positive, enterprising and brave. -- Eileen Chang
I have to admit that luck likes to take care of brave people. --Darwin
Because I know there is always a smiling Gu Xiaobei waiting for me at the end of the road, which makes me brave. --Guo Jingming
Bravery makes success; industry makes happiness. Anonymous
Difficulty is the bridge for wavers and cowards to turn back, but it is also the footstone for the brave to advance. --Emerson
Your ideal of moving towards a great goal will be an inspiration for you to bravely walk into life. --Wu Yuzhang

Successful people, have a noble spirit, they are bold, brave. In their dictionary, they are not afraid of two words. They are confident that their ability is able to do everything. They consider themselves to be a very valuable person. --Dale Carnegie
Courage is not in arms, but in wisdom. Proverb
A person should be: lively and disciplined, naive but not naive, brave and reckless, stubborn and principled, enthusiastic but not impulsive, optimistic but not blind. --Marx
Really brave people are those who know the happiness and disaster of life best, and then go forward bravely to take on the accidents that will happen in the future. --Belikeri
Science is the best way to make human spirit brave. --Bruno
A brave man is a man of confidence. --Cicero
A man#39;s brave and frank soul can be seen with his own eyes, loved with his own heart and judged with his own reason. Do not be a shadow, but a man. --Romance
Be a really brave person. Lincoln
Who has bravely been baptized by the fire of youth, who is not afraid of the cold frost of old age. Lando
If you really love a person, you will be willing to change for him. If a person goes his own way in front of you and ignores the behavior you don#39;t like, then he doesn#39;t love you. So if you don#39;t care about him or he doesn#39;t care about you, then you don#39;t love him or he doesn#39;t love you, and don#39;t think you are careless. Or believe that he is a careless person. Meet own true love, coward also can become brave, same reason, careless ghost also can side careful. Alpine cold
Everyone I meet in my life is the teacher in my life, who teaches me every lesson in my life. A passer-by newspaper in the street read a piece of news, saw a good movie, even a book, a rice, a glass of water, a joke, moved to tears at one time, all of these can let me experience life. When you face your life bravely and do your best to open mountains and cut rocks, believe me, one day you will look back, and what you will see will be 'the vast world and the vast sky'. There is absolutely no regret. --Liu Dehua
I often hear that the masculine and feminine taste, do you know what the masculine taste is and what the feminine taste is? Masculine is open-minded and brave, feminine is considerate and gentle. Alpine cold
He who regards pain as the greatest evil in life cannot be brave; he who regards joy as the most beautiful in life cannot control himself. --Cicero
One should form the habit of trusting oneself. Even in the most critical time, one should also believe in one#39;s bravery and perseverance. --Napoleon
Love does have a noble quality, because it not only stays in the sexual desire, but also shows a noble and excellent soul, which requires the spirit of liveliness, courage and sacrifice to achieve unity with another person. --Hegel
Let me be destroyed in the struggle of great disparity. It is happy and glorious to die bravely! --Dubroleupov
Noble spirit does not stop, it often makes people brave and fearless. --Sukhomlinsky
Who has bravely been baptized by the fire of youth, who is not afraid of the cold frost of old age. Lando
Young people can first turn China into a sound China. Speak boldly, carry on bravely, forget all the interests, push the ancients aside, and publish their true words
The ideal must be realized by people. This requires not only determination and courage, but also knowledge. --Wu Yuzhang
I think victory can be achieved, and I will fight for it bravely. My descendants will say: he does not know the fear of death, is more resolute than anyone, and believes that fighting for truth is the greatest pleasure of mankind. --Bruno

Wisdom wants us to be brave, carefree, high and strong. She is a woman who loves only soldiers forever. Nietzsche
The truth is strong, never afraid of the truth, bravely supporting the truth, telling the truth to others, fighting for the truth. --Liu Shaoqi
The bravest thing in the world is to listen to your love with a smile... --I#39;m a tiger
Your kind of maximum cross examination will prevent your son from growing up to be a real person. Sometimes he grows up to be a person who has no idea, who can neither make any decision nor take any risk or brave action. Sometimes it backfires, and to some extent, he obeys your pressure. However, the surging power to ask for a way out sometimes bursts up, resulting in family disorder. 'I used to be a good boy, but it turned out to be like this.'. --Makarenko
Courage comes from struggle. Courage is formed in the stubborn resistance to difficulties every day. The motto of our youth is to be brave, tenacious and firm, to remove all obstacles. --Ostrovsky
When he was moved by friendship to handle affairs, he was timid and brave. He was shy and confident. He was lazy and willing to move. He was also cautious and willing to deal with people. --Thackeray
She is no braver than anyone, but fear and escape are two different things. Brave people cry too. It#39;s not easy to cry. But after crying, we must do a good job. -- Yi Shu
Your time is limited, so don#39;t live for others. Don#39;t be limited by dogma. Don#39;t live in other people#39;s ideas. Don#39;t let others#39; opinions influence your inner voice. The most important thing is to follow your heart and intuition bravely. Only your heart and intuition can know your true thoughts. Everything else is secondary. --Jobs
If you are brave, you are your best friend. --Li Jiacheng
Whether it#39;s the glory or perplexity of a 'hero' or the courage or fear of an 'asshole', they are all cheering and drifting with the tide. --Shi Tiesheng
Bravery, perseverance, real intelligence are the aspirations of fortitude. --Napoleon
He has a spark of genius! You know what that means? That is brave and open mind, broad vision He planted a tree, he has seen the results of thousands of years, has been looking forward to human happiness. This kind of person is rare. Love this kind of person if you want to. --Chekhov
The most glorious day in one#39;s life is not the day when one becomes famous, but the day when one challenges one#39;s life from lament and despair and strides bravely to will. --Flaubert
If you lose your courage, your life will be handed over to the enemy - Uygur
Naturally, I don#39;t want to deceive people too much, but I haven#39;t said all the words in my heart, about as long as I can hand in my papers Because, I haven#39;t been so brave, that#39;s because I still want to live in this society. -- Lu Xun
A true warrior must be good at war, brave and willing to obey. Monson
There are genius and magic in bravery. -- Gerd
In the new science palace, victory belongs to the new brave people. They have bold scientific fantasy and their hearts are burning with enthusiasm to explore new things. --Alfelsmann
If you want to be a brave young man, don#39;t make a fuss over trifles. You know, the weak are not easy to live in this world. --Pentapidan
Courage comes from struggle. Courage comes from the stubborn resistance to difficulties every day. The motto of our youth is to be brave, tenacious and firm, to remove all obstacles. --Ostrovsky
When we face a person who is afraid, a thing of fear, a state of mind that makes people uneasy, the only attitude to overcome these feelings is to face it, face it bravely, rather than escape, let alone lock ourselves up. Pain is because you#39;ve made yourself desperate, and your demons are telling you - don#39;t touch the outside world. They#39;re terrible. Lock yourself up and you#39;ll be safe. This is the most convenient way - escape result, you escaped into the four walls, are you safe? Your heart is in your body, how can you escape your heart? Don#39;t be afraid for fear, don#39;t fall into the abyss of the other world, don#39;t imagine the terrible world outside. -- Sanmao

In the person who lacks education, bravery will become rough, knowledge will become pedantic, wit will become funny, simplicity will become rough, gentleness will become flattery. -- Rock
A truly brave man should be able to bear the most embarrassing honor and disgrace intelligently, not with the honor and disgrace outside his body, and with the attitude of pacifying others to avoid unnecessary accidents. --Shakespeare
The motto of our youth is to be brave, tenacious and firm, to remove all obstacles. --Ostrovsky
Self understanding is the most difficult thing. It#39;s easy for us to realize that there are thorns and thorns in the road to develop our talents. Therefore, a talented person should try his best to develop his career and force himself to create a new industry. The achievements will never be lost. *The biggest common problem of ordinary people is that they are too complacent and just think they are great, so they are lack of ambition. Another kind of person is too discontented, insatiable, has no self-discipline to speak of, let alone self vigilance. The greedy man can#39;t cover up his ugly face. His body is transparent. He lives in a dramatic life and ends up trapped in the abyss. *Pride is one of the wrong emotions of human beings, and self-esteem is the basic latent consciousness of human beings. Pride is not normal. When people imagine that they are a leader, that they are more holy than others, that they are more powerful than others, they despise others. Pride makes people impatient and cringe. Pride is fragile and sensitive. When our confidence is shaken or we have a sense of inferiority, pride is the abyss separating people from achievements. In order to boast about ourselves, people will sacrifice their dignity. *It#39;s also brave to regard something as extremely worthless; it#39;s also brave to regard something as absolutely successful or as sure, but if you can#39;t do anything about it, you#39;re afraid. It is the same with the enemy. As long as we encourage ourselves with confidence, even if we fail, we will still win spiritually. --Li Xiaolong
I#39;ve been brave for too long and decided to live for you alone. --Guo Jingming
People should be like a river, flowing, flowing, flowing forward; like a river, singing, singing, happy, brave to walk on this rough road full of thorns. -- Ai Wu
Once the road of life is chosen, we must brave to the end and never turn back. -- Zola
No matter what, please be quiet and have a good time. This is life. We should accept life in the same way, bravely and bravely, and smile forever. --Luxembourg
Be upright, never afraid of the truth, bravely support the truth, tell the truth to others, and fight for the truth. --Liu Shaoqi

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