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. courtesy comes from wealth, theft comes from poverty (Han Dynasty, Wang Fu); etiquette, Zhou Dynasty, omnipotent, pacifying people (joubel)
. it is not necessarily reasonable to speak in a threatening manner. By Sadie
. if you don#39;t show courtesy to others, you will run forty miles in vain; if you show courtesy to others, you will walk ten miles less.
. the sky is vast, and what is broader than the sky is the human mind.
The wind of politeness brings warmth and happiness to everyone. --Noel van pier
. the flowers on your hands are like brocade, and the grass on your feet is like grass!
The way is to judge virtue, and the integrity is to salute. -- Analects of Confucius
. the birds fly freely because of their wings, the flowers are beautiful because of their fragrance, and the campus will be more advanced because of its civilization.
. if the country is courteous, the country will be prosperous; if the family is courteous, the family will be big; if the body is courteous, the body will be cultivated; if the heart is courteous, the heart will be peaceful. --Qing, Yan Yuan
If you don#39;t suffer from the position, you will suffer from the virtue, you will not be respected; if you don#39;t suffer from the wealth, you will suffer from the wisdom and shame.
Poor without flattery, rich without pride. Zigong
Only width can help people, only thickness can carry things. A gentleman carries things by virtue. Yi Chuan
. courtesy is a letter of recommendation to all parties. --Queen Elizabeth of Spain
Those who respect others will always respect them; those who love others will always love them.
. relatives, teachers and friends, learn etiquette, fragrant nine years old, warm seats. --Three Character Classic
Respect, respect, love, love. -- Meng Zi
Let#39;s take care of the collective, the public property and the environment!
. abide by public order and advocate civility.
People with bad conduct are easy to commit crimes, and those who commit crimes are all people with bad conduct.
People must know how to love, how to love, how to protect the world.
Good manners cost nothing, but they are worth more than anything. --Spain. Cervantes
Welcome people with good spirit, like brothers; welcome people with evil spirit, harm the soldiers.
The letter is the man#39;s duty. -- Analects of Confucius
. it#39;s uncivilized to rush on the road by car and high style to avoid pedestrians.
We should pay attention that we don#39;t use words to hurt other comrades, but when others use words to hurt ourselves, we should also be able to afford it. --Liu Shaoqi
. big bully small, unfair; big gang small, quack.
The spleen bee sips honey from the flowers and thanks for leaving the camp. The boastful butterfly believed that the flower should thank him. --Tagore
. etiquette week is all-around and peaceful.
. civilized words and deeds, shaping the best image of you and me.
. etiquette week is all-around and peaceful. --Joubert
Those who love others will always love them; those who respect others will always respect them. -- Meng Ke
Etiquette is to do justice, righteousness is to produce profits, to benefit the people, and to govern. Zuo Zhuan
. life is beautiful because of you, the world is wonderful because of me, and school is beautiful because of civilization!
A sincere help is a cup of warm tea in spring, and a heartfelt thanks is a breeze in summer.
To enrich people#39;s livelihood with food and clothing, and to support their hearts with etiquette and righteousness (yuan . Xu Heng)
Those who live in poverty are easy to get through; those who live in luxury when they are rich die of hunger and cold when they are poor. - sadi
Virtue is rewarded, but hatred is not. -- Zhao Qian
Without learning etiquette, there is no way to stand (Analects)
People#39;s virtue is to me, not to be forgotten; I have virtue to people, not to be forgotten.
A person#39;s politeness is a mirror reflecting his portrait. Gerd
. the teacher#39;s kindness is like the sea, the teacher#39;s affection is like the mountain; the teacher#39;s instruction is like treasure, and the teacher#39;s advice is like spring.
. play games happily, and be with Qi. Don#39;t fight, don#39;t fight, don#39;t chase, and don#39;t forget the word 'safety'.
Etiquette is a kind of civilized standard, and etiquette is a kind of quality cultivation.
The reason why human beings are valued by animals is that they are polite. --Spring and autumn of yanzi
Rites, by the state, determine the state, order the people, and benefit the offspring. Zuo Zhuan
Let the ceremony be treated with smile and welcome each other. Civilization will go back once in a lifetime.
Politeness is the golden key to human coexistence. --Songsuneji
I am convinced that only a moral citizen can offer an understandable salute to his own country. -- Rousseau
Benefit is a strategy that the intelligent people think of to keep away from the fool. -- Emerson
The saddest thing for a man is not to die of conscience. -- Guo Moruo



【成语】: 礼尚往来
【拼音】: lǐ shagrave;ng wǎng laacute;i

【解释】: 尚:注重。指礼节上应该有来有往。现也指以同样的态度或做法回答对方。

【出处】: 《礼记.曲礼上》:“礼尚往来。往而不来,非礼也;来而不往,亦非礼也。”

【成语】: 相敬如宾
【拼音】: xiāng jigrave;ng ruacute; bīn

【解释】: 形容夫妻互相尊敬,象对待宾客一样。

【出处】: 《左传.僖公三十三年》:“臼季使过冀,见冀缺耨,其妻饁之,敬,相待如宾。”

【成语】: 彬彬有礼
【拼音】: bīn bīn yǒu lǐ

【解释】: 彬彬:原意为文质兼备的样子,后形容文雅。形容文雅有礼貌的样子。

【出处】: 《史记.太史公自序》:“叔孙通定礼仪,则文学彬彬稍进。”

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