You are my today and all of my tomorrows 你是我心中的今日,及其全部的明日 They tell you in school that its the lungs that keep you breathing but its your heart 院校教师讲,我们要靠肺来吸气存活但事实上,我靠的是你的爱 Your voice is full of beautiful memories we have yet to make 你的声音里,浓浓的全是大家即将造就的美好回忆 And its as if I never really even knew love until right now, in this moment, with you 我好像从不懂爱是什么,直到,此时此刻,与你在一起 beautiful memory of our past, detailed out in the vivid visions of our dreams, and future plans, but most of all its right now, in the moment where everything Ive ever wanted in my life is standing right in front of me and smiling 若叫我给给你的爱下一个界定,我能说:爱,深深地印刻在大家以往每段美好回忆中,详尽勾勒在大家新鲜的理想期待和未来计划中。但最重要的,爱,是此时此刻,就是我一生向往的一切美好,就立在我眼前,盛开笑容 I cant, and wont ever be able to, get enough of you 我不能,也始终不容易,厌烦你 I really dont know how many more love stories I have left in me, but I want you to be my last 我我也不知道生命中还剩余几回感情故事。但想要你,做我的最后一次 There are going to be days where youre undone, stressed out, tired, spent And Ill still love you just as much in those moments as I ever have, maybe even a little more, because itll mean you let me get close enough to know the real you.Thats all I want 如果你挫败失望、憔悴不堪、倦累难忍、疲倦不堪时,我能像往常一样爱你,或许乃至会爱你 I swear I couldnt love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow 失望攒够了我不能比目前更爱你。但我又了解,明日还会继续爱你 If I could, I would wrap my arms around you and just hold you until the hurt went away 假如能,我愿意拥你入怀,牢牢地紧抱,直到你的难过被溶化驱除 I need her head on my heart, she needs to hear it beat for her 我想把她的头,贴在我胸脯,让她听见,我心为她而颤动 Ill make up for all the years I was supposed to be kissing you 遇见你之前那些日子错过了的本归属于我们俩的吻我想所有补回家 Sometimes its your voice, other times its your face, every time its your touch, but you always fix me 有时候要靠你的响声,有时候要靠你的容貌,但每一次都靠你的触碰,将我痊愈 I cant be your happiness but I can take your hand so we can find it together 我不能变成你的幸福快乐,但我能携子之手一同找寻 One day Ill have more past than future and Ill wish Id spent more of it on you 总有一天我会韶华已逝时日无多回过头放眼望去我只期待,跟你在一起的岁月再久一点 If the heart matters enough, timing doesnt 只需情投意合,就早已充足,机会对不对,又算得了哪些 Once I knew you, I never wanted to know anyone else 认识你以后,我便不愿意再了解一切别人了 The most breathtaking words arent snapped on a typewriter but traced on the softest skin and whispered through moans 最摄人心魂的语言并不是打印机上打出來的而游移在最绵软的皮肤上放欢爱的娇吟细声叫出来的 Stop trying to be beautiful, be you, you are 别再强加于人漂亮,做真实的自己,你本来就很美 One look and you laid my sould wide open 你仅用一次回首,就令我的灵魂给你所有打开 |